There’s a reason why they have been “talking” about it for 17 years and it still isn’t anywhere near happening:
There’s a reason why they have been “talking” about it for 17 years and it still isn’t anywhere near happening:
they couldn’t even sell at a profit on release instead of consoles they could sell without, well, selling them at a loss
Counterpoint: Developers are human, and humans can only put up with so much bullshit politely before snapping
I mean, it’s not like someone is going to fit a fridge or oven into their car. That stuff is getting delivered no matter what
PFFFFFFTTTT. Those days are gone. The last several times I’ve flown (just in the past week), the TSA pre-check line is 2-6 times longer than general boarding.
Does this also mean that her sister with get back to solving crimes with a (possibly ex-) vampire?
Perhaps because Dave Chapelle isn’t funny anymore?
The embedded quote pecifically said that the Cybertruck could pull the Silverado when it was in park. The Cybertruck’s safeties kicked in only when the Silverado started pulling in the opposite direction.
With regards to Paul’s parentage, it more like realizing that his grandfather was his father’s mortal enemy. And not just politically, but philosophically as well. Atreides are honorable, while Harkonnens represent all of the worst of humanity (yeah, it’s rather on-the-nose)
I feel like, as crazy as it is, five-plus hours of movie is still not enough to fully flesh out a relatively short book. So many scenes seem to happen in the span of 10 seconds
As I pointed out before, the Fremen’s jihad would have to have a per-person kill rate of 20,000:1, assuming the Fremen took no significant casualties.
But who will play Ilya?
I think that was internet wishful thinking. Because they made a series of follow-up comics, and believe me, Azula sure as SHIT does not get “redeemed."
I know that there's lots of salt in the air and water, but Marston Mat worked well throughout all of the Pacific Theatre, and that wasn't exactly a salt-free environment, either
“He then reportedly pulled his gun out, forcing the officer whose car he just hit to draw his gun as well, before Montalvo eventually dropped it."
“Sadly though low sales, buyers still caught up in badge perception and a market largely moving away from unique, fun stuff”
There were some where the heroes were wheelchair-bound and his big focus were on accessibility. Those were pretty good too!
Kaiden fans: “Ashley is the real space racist!”
No, that’s the sort of thinking that only occurs to the people who have had their soul removed by getting an MBA.
I mean, when 80% of your scenes take place in a generic desert, it saves a crapton on CGI