Cayde-6's Unloaded Dice

Sure, but you’ll need approval from Anish Kapoor.

Yeah, the reason people need his permission to use VantaBlack in art is because it’s export-controlled by the British government.

Both of those look like they decided “fuck it, just spray the top coat over the primer and call it a day”

You do realize that the Luddites were not actually against technology of automatic looms, they were against the exploitation of workers and concentration of wealth among a smaller class of factory owners that arose as a result of the automated loom.

My suspicion is that movies have gotten longer because theater tickets have become so expensive.

Theatres realized that they mostly averaged only a fraction of their seats filled, so they put in bigger seats and more amenities. After all, why have 150 seats if only half of them are used for most of a movie’s entire

What amazes me is that one of them agreed to take the dive for the guilty one, who was high on meth.

Honestly, I think it is less “misunderstood” and more “stuff that got cut in development hell”

Lots of big universities won’t guarantee dorms for more than a year or two.  Some won't even let juniors or seniors live in them, period

Eh, Foundation is not book where things happen. It is a book where people sit around talking about things that have happened or will happen.

Perhaps you should *actually* read about him. He was far, FAR more than “just” the UAW co-founder. He also co-founded the AFL-CIO, the Peace Corp, helped Cesar Chavez organize the United Farm Workers, helped fund and create Earth Day, was on the board of the NAACP, and worked with/for both the Kennedy and Johnson

I always said that I could have done an entire PhD dissertation writing about about the narrative differences and later-seasons plot implications for The Wheel of Time books vs. Season 1 alone.

I figure you could at least get a Master (chief?)’s thesis with this.

Ah, yes! The United States, where women can’t drive, gay people are executed, and thieves get their hands cut off!

There is a vast difference between “supplying most of the terrorists” and “most of the terrorists were Saudi citizens”.

The problem with “each the rich” nowadays is that, with wealth inequality so great, there are so few rich relative to the overall population. There just wouldn’t be enough to go around, and then the economics of scarcity come in to play.  The rich would, ironically, become a delicacy.

It’s the problem with getting an ensemble cast of age-appropriate live actors.

What’s really disappointing about this is that this just a repost of the AV Club’s review. Not that there is anything wrong with the AV Club review per se, but just that it’s disappointing to not get reviews from multiple perspectives. 

Gotta love your insistence that Gamepass is killing the gaming industry despite the devs specifically said that Gamepass made this game possible!

Then they'll need an Olympic Village-level supply of condoms

Do you have any idea how hard it is to get into NASA if you aren’t a college intern, existing Federal employee, or a veteran?

“Tell us that you didn’t pay attention in HS civics/US Government class without saying that you didn’t pay attention in HS civics/US Government class”

This reminds me of how, if you watch a restaurant rehab show like Bar Rescue, the vast majority of the “employees” that are fired on-screen were never actually employees. They’re paid actors.