
Donald Pleasance, of course. The original Doctor Evil.

So unless you are getting used oil from your Brother-In-Laws Cajun chicken and wing place for free and are prepared to spend a bunch of time filtering it this car is ND

The greasecar movement was short lived because of restaurant owners.

Complete missed opportunity not having Pelia come and pick up the watch in La’an’s quarters at the end. “I’ll take that back now if you please”

Yes, the outside of the US is briefly mentioned in the original TWD. Indeed, it’s mentioned towards the end of the first season of the original TWD. A person who works for the CDC mentions that the CDC had similar infectious disease institutions researching the cause of the breakout around the world, but that they had

Never understood the appeal of Daryl.”

The actress playing his daughter is terrible. Compare her performances to, say, Rick’s daughter in Walking Dead.

Neither will happen. The best that could happen is Maggie comes to terms that Negan is deserving of forgiveness and begrudgingly grants it. But there is no relationship potential there and I doubt that either would be killed off.

For some reason I keep watching everything they put out, I’m not really sure why - I don’t dislike it, but I’m not really enthused about it either. To be honest the only thing that really interest me is the Rick Grimes movie and what is going on there since it seems to have to potential to perhaps reveal what is

Two things can be (and are) true here.

According to Gaiman, this season is less of the proposed sequel that he and Pratchett worked on together, and more of a bridge that gets them from Good Omens to the opening pages of that sequel, which will hopefully become season 3... assuming season 2 does well enough in the ratings.

That’s not to say this season is

Though it should be noted that Season 2 is not based on the sequel outline that Neil and Terry worked on together. Neil said that that will be the basis of (the currently only hypothetical) Season 3, and Season 2 is all-new material to bridge the gap between that and the original.

Did not know until recently that the brilliantly funny John Finnemore - a talent who SHOULD be more widely known outside of England by now - is an exec producer and writer on S2, so now I’m doubly stoked for this.

There will also be a bit of Pratchett in there in that they had developped the rought outline of the sequel together. And of course, his ghost haunted the set and played practical jokes on everyone.

If it was anyone else other than Neil Gaiman continuing a series Pratchett Co -Developed I’d be very worried .. as it is I’m only somewhat worried.

GRRM actually wrote a fairly insightful follow-up post that does a pretty good job of summing up what the WGA is currently fighting for, and is worth a read in its own right, regardless of what jokes one might want to make about the Winds of Winter:

Sure... the strike won’t affect the completion of Winds of Winter.

That’s it! He never realized the 2007 strike ended! It all makes sense now!

The post is not wrong in stating that writers are, “...striking for living wages and job protections in an industry seeking to automate their work...”, but there are many other issues, including writers getting paid for development work. Note, not “paid more”, but PAID. in the old days, a writer would write a

Mr. Waters treasures the ashes of your departed innocence.