
Dr. T’ana is a Caitian, like Lt. M’ress from The Animated Series. The Kzinti made the jump from Larry Niven’s “Known Space” universe to Star Trek in the TAS episode “Slaver Weapon,” which Niven adapted from his short story “The Soft Weapon.”

There. Are. FIVE! Lower Decks!

That a “Shaka when the walls fell” all day.

We desperately need a Season Three visit to Deep Space Nine, Bajor and the Wormhole.

Which side is Jason Buhlman on?

Am I supposed to be growing orchids in the cab? Clearly I don’t get the appeal of an immobile glass roof.

Oye Beltalowda!!

Only if you rrrroll the rrrr’s.

“Final version” lights aren’t an improvement, considering the profusion of LED-based options we have nowadays.

The EcoSport fails as a compliance car, as the mileage is abysmal compared to...well...anything with less than a V8.

No, but when I meet him I’ll have some courtesy, some sympathy and some taste....

Hope didn’t even try to shrink down before dying, so maybe there’s something else involved.

The Reality Stone by itself should have enabled Thanos to NOPE the zombie virus — even if he’d been bitten/scratched, in the moments before turning.

MCU Strange had the ability to look at 14 million possible outcomes — starting with him on Titan looking at possible outcomes — in the main MCU timeline (that we now recognize as the “Sacred Timeline”) to find the one where they beat Thanos.”

...by comparison, then.

No, the Chinese are efficient and competent. Try again.

Ummm...if anyone in Texas were to contribute to any of these organizations, wouldn’t that make them subject to lawsuit for “aiding and abetting” abortions?

Even though Chief Justice Roberts saw reason, it’s no longer enough.

The intentional pitting of citizen against citizen, with the plaintiff having all the advantages and none of the risks (no penalties if the plaintiff’s case is thrown out of court) is vigilantism made law, with a Stasi-like imposition of distrust and paranoia on Americans against other Americans.

Shuma-Gorath cares not for recurring themes. It appears when called, or not, based on its own inscrutable motivation.