
Every time the Nexus is mentioned, I wonder about this guy...

Hey now, you’re an all star, so take your Star and get paid....

Meaning Mark Sheppard is a Single Point of Failure.

At least the headrests would be comfortable....

Good catch.

Technically, MCU Carl Creel is dead.

But Dylan Hinchey is neither likable nor sympathetic.

United States of Al literally just did the “pristine 60s Mustang convertible driven by a working class girl” bit — in order to make Dean Norris attractive to a woman half his age. Yikes.

Ava’s Bronco could have been bought new by one of her Crowder ancestor kinfolk — and those mountain families always had their share of shade-tree mechanics to keep them in good shape.

Unlike the 2004 example cited by DOJ, this wasn’t scheduled, no events were planned, the Secret Service had no time to prepare, the venue did not want him there — and the motivation for the visit was entirely in bad faith. Normal presidents don’t walk into active civil unrest — Orange Julius went there BECAUSE of the

All of this. Unlike the 2004 example cited, this wasn’t scheduled, no events were planned, the Secret Service had no time to prepare, the venue did not want him there — and the motivation for the visit was entirely in bad faith. Normal presidents don’t walk into active civil unrest — Orange Julius went there BECAUSE

[Cut to Bernie Sanders punching through his hat in futile anger.]

Don’t insult Lovey like that. She not only survived, she did it with STYLE.

Joe Manchin is just stealing from Joe Lieberman’s 2009 playbook. But it’s also West Virginia, where the Democratic archetype remains the late Robert Byrd.

In four paragraphs, you’ve done a deeper dive into the consequences of “success” than the entire Trumpist/GQP brain trust combined. Kudos.

Sad irony is, the Grosse Pointes (all five of them, each one whiter than mayo splattered on an eggshell-painted wall, and pretentious AF) want nothing to do with Eastpointe.

If we go by comic canon that Thanos is Eternal-descended (or at least Eternal-adjacent) — and MCU Thanos DID get Snapped out of existence — then I’d logically conclude the Eternals themselves were Snap-vulnerable.

...and yet, still canon.

Zuras and...ALARS? Like when the Red Skull on Vormir greeted his visitor as “Thanos, son of Alars?”

The Eternals were living on Earth, therefore half-ish of them were Snapped, then Blipped. If that’s not enough motivation to get off their collective azzes and start participating....