Legitimately trying to render first aid is protected by good samaritan laws. The possibility of failure is no excuse for standing by and letting a person die.
Legitimately trying to render first aid is protected by good samaritan laws. The possibility of failure is no excuse for standing by and letting a person die.
Cops use Narcan on overdose victims all the time — wonder what the racial breakdown on Narcan usage might be? No, actually I don’t, because I know what the answer will be.
It was an outstanding shield...for a Cap cosplayer. Which is what John Walker was the whole time.
So basically it’s like Super Soldier Serum per Lemar Hoskins.
Came here for this, was not disappointed.
For some reason, I couldn’t find an image showing Jules-Pierre Mao’s yacht from a more flattering angle. The Guanshiyin is slow and extravagant by design — it even packs a state-of-the-art racing pinnace (the Razorback) as a “shuttle!”
I was born in 1964, and I 100% identify as Gen X. I have nothing in common with Boomers, OK?
I think you’d be shocked at exactly how pitiful those “plentiful rights” will be when it’s you and yours in the crosshairs of corporate need/greed.
Best place to hide a giant open pit is in the most desolate part of the country, among people the USA routinely ignores.
I’m pretty sure his species breathes hydrocarbons....
Your species breathes hydrocarbons, amirite?
Lithium in America is to be mined (and therefore owned) by a Chinese company? As Mr. Horse would say, “No sir, I don’t like it.”
There’s a casting call for a “Covert Hutto” in season three of The Mandalorian.
Senator Scott claimed in his rebuttal speech that Democrats purposefully filibustered the Walter Scott Notification Act, which is why it didn’t pass. That was some serious blameshifting, but more than that, the reason Democrats didn’t sign on was because they KNEW that if they did and the bill became law, Republicans…
So if it had been, say, 1980s-vintage Emerson Fittipaldi and one of those NASCAR Waltrips (Michael, Darrell, other Darrell) racing those automatic Ford Interceptors with traction control on a track, then you’d be all in.
It’s the same as in Luke Cage when we briefly saw him wearing the silver headband and bright yellow shirt —his “iconic” Power Man uniform. It looked silly.
She did (in Ep 6), just to demonstrate how silly it looked on screen.
The purpose of the shield’s color and style is to draw enemy fire at the brightest, most obvious target (like a literal target with a bull’s eye and everything). Making Sam’s new suit too bright ruins that idea as it draws a shooter’s aim to the head.
Vibranium IS a dull silver in color. Shouldn’t need much work at all.