
Tightly packed and perfectly spherical.

I'm sure all those things happen — along with many people on Basic doing volunteer work in any number of areas, or engaging in the 23rd century equivalent of social media.

The gravity is part of it, sure. But the real problem is the openness. Being born Martian (or Belter) means living every second of your life in a spacesuit, on board a ship or under a dome. The sun is less than half as bright on Mars, so most lighting is artificial and the only wind comes from the air recyclers. Even

If Avasarala were only dropping f-bombs, she would cease to be interesting very quickly. It's the variety of digs and insults — including the non-obscene ones like calling the leader of Earth "bobble-head" to his face, all delivered with sincerity and gusto — that really make the character pop.

They mention the Prime Minister, who, like the UN Secretary-General, can't attend in person but sends his regards.

This scene is not in the book — there, Prax is still on Ganymede, bearing witness for the readers on the collapse of the moon's ecosystem (and fruitlessly looking for his daughter), until the Roci crew arrives.

We're past mid-season — there are only five episodes left and a whole lot of Caliban's War to get through. Even if they skip the chapters on board the Guanshiyin and the SpaceGoFundMe subplot, I now suspect the season may not, in fact, end the way we all think it should or must.

Black Sky took credit for the attempt on Avasarala. The OPA man Fred Johnson spaced prior to the attack on Thoth (Protogen) Station was Black Sky. Last episode, the Black Sky faction leader was the one who demanded Johnson give his missiles to the OPA factions to use as they please (with his group willing to use them

Whether the intent was to nudge Eros or ram it…the attempt failed and the Nauvoo needs to be chased down, turned around and returned to Tycho.

I'll grant all of that — but unless Jules-Pierre's totally play-acting the "grieving father" bit, he'd find a way to punish the man who put his daughter in harm's way (the fact that he himself drove the harm by backing Dresden and Protogen is a neat little hypocritical spin).

Dawes will never go out like Layne Price. There's no shame in Dawes' game — everyone knows he was shaking down ships docking at Ceres (like the Canterbury), but Star Helix never seriously tried to bust him (Miller was only there because the Julie Mao investigation led him there), and at the same time he has defenders

My wife has pretty much zero knowledge of X-Men lore (such as Daniel being Charles Xavier's illegitimate son, or the Shadow King as this season's likely Big Bad, and she thinks Legion is the best series she's seen in years.

The leader of Earth is still called the Secretary-General of the United Nations (which now include Luna and the L5 stations), meaning that "one guy" can say his office's history goes straight back to Trygve Lie in 1945. It's not really true considering the vast expansion of the UN's authority on future Earth, but we

When Earth used eight or so missiles to destroy Deimos, if you watch the approach they were targeting an existing deep crater on Deimos' surface — the nukes were being applied like a chisel. Shattering was the goal.

Until the squabbling colonists activated the long-dead ruins, Ilus was really a long discussion about trying to tame or accommodate the biosphere of an alien planet — even when it has breathable air and available water — and responding to something bizarre and unexpected (like that eye infection whatever-it-was).

Good point. Just because Errinwright has the finest education, speaks eloquently and wears suits costing more than a thousand Belters' combined net worth doesn't make him any less a warmongering asshat than the one Belter who wanted Johnson to divvy up his nukes between the Belt factions.

Shouldn't that be Inarosii? Or is adding Latin to the Belter Creole mix going a step too far?

It really changes the dynamic of the relationship from the one in the books.

Which can be said multiple ways. Diogo started with the sarcastic (borderline insulting), but by the end you could tell his use of "pampaw" had become respectful. Drummer's use of the term with Dawes was more friendly, playful, maybe nostalgic (if they indeed had once been lovers).

Dawes would consider those to be features, not bugs. Look at it from his point of view: Talking pretty and playing by the Inner Planets' rules has done nothing for the Belt's cause. Fred Johnson seems to be talking pretty and playing by the Inner Planets' rules (by his willingness to participate in peace talks on