
They weren't trying to push Eros with the Nauvoo's engines — they were hoping the impact would carom Eros into a decaying orbit that ended with it burning up in the Sun's coronasphere. The Nauvoo was utterly expendable at that moment, because the ones who made that decision — Fred, Holden, Miller and the Tycho and Roci

The Nauvoo was on a high-g one-way trip, with no flip-and-burn and no people on board to worry about crushing to death (like what happened to Solomon Epstein and almost happened to the Roci crew). Even assuming Tycho immediately shut the engines down after it missed Eros, that's still a lot of momentum. Any chase ship

Ganymade Brand Soybeans — they're hyper-oxygenated!

So basically they're Reavers?

Wes Chatham has said most of his understanding of Amos came from reading "The Churn." It also lends a deeper meaning to his story arc in Book Five.

Interestingly, in the books almost all clothing is worn once, then tossed in the nearest recycler (with exceptions such as military uniforms and Avasarala's saris).

Sure beats Adderall!

Brought to mind my favorite bit of dialogue from Book One. After the raid on Thoth (Protogen) Station where Miller shot Dresden, he stops by Holden's quarters on Tycho:

Still the best example so far was Miller busting in on a slingshot club party in early Season One — an idea that won't be relevant until the Y Que and the slow zone reveal.

Yep, Fred explicitly name checks "Inaros" right after "Black Sky" among the OPA factions represented in that meeting.

In Book Two it's completely in-character and integral to Holden's arc. The pressures of surviving Eros, knowing about the protomolecule, feeling helpless to stop Earth and Mars from going to war, mixed with bullshit pirate-hunting jobs as a hired gunship for Fred Johnson, almost turns Holden into Miller — a

Not very bright, but probably the luckiest coyo of all time. Getting picked up in open space by another crew of rock hoppers; getting shot in the head at Thoth Station — with a gel round; escaping Eros because Miller was there to grab his malfunctioning nuke…no wonder Diogo thinks he's invincible!

Many Americans remember him more recently from Mad Men.

OK, I see it now. I wasn't saying that Diogo is Filip in the LITERAL sense. He's not Naomi's son — even casual viewers would revolt over that reveal. Only that, if the producers choose to go that way, Diogo would get the rest of Filip's storyline, and Naomi's backstory would get a huge hole blown in it.

The sound quality on my DVR recording from SyFy was bloody awful. When I watch it again on Amazon Prime in HD, I hope to hear that.

That's mentioned in the book, where Prax basically shrugs off the fact that he's ultimately named for a Greek goddess.

A big difference from the books is that by the start of Caliban's War all sides know about the protomolecule's extra-solar origin. In the series, only a handful of people (Errinwright and Jules-Pierre Mao on Earth; Fred Johnson, Paolo Cortazar and the Rocinante crew in the Belt; maybe a few others we haven't seen)

Based on her interaction (and apparent history with) Dawes, I suspect she might also take on Michio Pa's story arcs.

Thank you.

"Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated. This unit must return to launch point. Sterilize all that is imperfect."