
Out of everyone at Winterfell, only Littlefinger could possibly know exactly what it means when Arya says she was trained by "no one." I would not be surprised if he hasn't also sent a note — do ravens even fly to Essos? — to the House of Black and White.

Definitely an S1 callback. But Arya isn't exactly ignorant of what happened to Sansa — she watched that play in Braavos that pretty accurately (if broadly, at a high level and played for cheap laughs) described events at King's Landing through Joffrey's death.

The big warhammer Gendry favors — so like the one Robert used to kill Prince Rhaegar back in the day — speaks to it being intentional.

Resting Butthurt Face.

Nadine was Dr. Jacoby's patient once.

The Maesters have enjoyed their monopoly on advanced knowledge far too long. They're a more restrictive priesthood than the septons and septas, and far more destructive to Westerosi society.

There is a strong inference that the Maesters of the Citadel worked behind the scenes after Aegon's conquest to undermine and weaken the Targaryen dragons. Meaning they were the cause of the dragons getting smaller and dumber, until they died out.

Dragons used to pass through those main dungeon tunnels, so yeah.

Probably far short of a thousand ships. He's just rounding up…by a lot. Sounds impressive to a born landlubber like Cersei.

All the scene needed was Kate Upton whispering in Bronn's ear for that critical second shot.

When she was super-strong, thought she was still in high school, and started dating Mike the quarterback? I do seem to recall that….

That is where the White Horse appeared ("The horse is the white of the eyes, and dark within.")

While she was in a coma after the explosion that killed Andrew Packard and Pete Martell. BOB/Dark Coop was a monster from the jump.

Nothing about Dr. Jacoby driving by, seeing his golden shovel on display, then turning back to knock on the door? Nadine's absolute delight to see "Dr. Amp" in person?

Accept no Substitute Nails!

The Crone.

Bronn is Lord Stokeworth now…which comes with a castle.

He's still a Sworn Brother who cannot hold lands, take a wife, father children or accept a noble title.

The sniveling, lying coward Janos Slynt, for one. At least Ser Alliser was a good fighter who had tactical sense. The Battle of Castle Black was as much his win as Jon's.

“Like a [12]-inch dick, I’d need to see it to believe it.” — Herr Starr, Preacher