
But doing that freed up his schedule so he could be completely useless as Ra's al Ghul on Gotham!

Jesse took his wardrobe cues from Einstein — saves him the trouble of deciding what to wear each day ("Hmmm, it's Tuesday…how about the black boots, black jeans and black shirt with the silver collar tips? Stylin'!").

Duly noted. Guess it's really open to interpretation by the observer…

Surprised the street preacher didn't mention a small Texas town getting blown off the map. Missed opportunity, that.

Too much hydrogen in the water…that's a thing, right?

When Cassidy was shot in the Hurt Locker, the corgi took it between the eyes. No exit wound on the back of the shirt, though (despite the fact that we saw a blood spatter on the wall).

h/t to Tom Lehrer, who made that joke nearly 60 years ago (about a fellow who "majored in Animal Husbandry…until they caught him at it one day").

What about the Animal Husbandry majors?

A popular theory is that he will someday BE Max von Sydow. Bran is the Three Eyed Raven — caught in a time loop where he'll eventually train himself.

Play them off, superimposed Keyboard Cat!

Video images can be superimposed on ANY solid green surface, including Sarah's blouse and (before that) Spicey's tie.

Both of them have new books to promote, with more on the way. In their mid-90s.

You're being assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Founder and CEO of Nerdist is why he wasn't hurting for money. Marrying a Hearst just added to that.

Almost certainly temporary. Ongoing treatment is always worth more than an outright cure.

One One Nine!

Was just reminded of the weird little boy (played by David Lynch's son) who made the creamed corn disappear. Wonder if he grew up to be a character in The Return?

A) She left from the Martian Embassy, not the UN building itself, and walked some distance away in an unknown direction; 2) Looking out on a bay, plus the kind of ozone action day that probably exists year-round on future Earth, would likely mean she couldn't see to the other side.

That, and his wife's a Frey. Unless the Blackfish survived, Edmure's in charge of the Riverlands again (aside from the Lannister occupying forces, seven of whom Arya met this episode).

I was hoping for one Frey to come into the hall lacing up his breeches and saying "Sorry, was in the privy. What'd I mi—uh, what?"