
We were introduced to Paolo Cortazar, the narrator of "The Vital Abyss" — but since in the show he's apparently the sole surviving Protogen scientist, I don't think we'll see much else from that story.

In the six books, the proper name is either a mythological, religious or literary monster (Leviathan, Caliban, Nemesis), a place with a forboding or evil reputation (Cibola, one of the Seven Cities of Gold; Babylon, very prominent in Biblical prophecy), or both (Abaddon is both a fallen angel and a bottomless pit in

It's almost Red Wedding-level anticipation for book readers who are watching with TV-only fans. It'll be hard not to spoil things.

The Verge, Nerdist and (I think) IGN all have Expanse recappers who covered those episodes with varying degrees of quality.

I'd be ecstatic if the series lasted long enough to reach Book Five — but this is SyFy.

Considering Handy was talking to an alien, a carnivorous cow, a down-on-his-luck Stalin impersonator and a self-absorbed centenarian, he really shouldn't have been surprised.

Ever ask yourself, "Hey, whatever happened to The Colt, anyway?"

On the other hand…Shotgun Axe.

The Mercury 7-era astronauts certainly had a LOT in common with them. The modern day professional astronauts and mission specialists…not so much. Which isn't a bad thing, mind you.

That exchange pretty much captures the essential character of both Affleck and Bay.

I come to these comment boards to get away from real-life politics, thank you.

IIRC, the "mutant" universe includes such non-mutants as the Shi'ar Imperium and the Starjammers. Nitro initiated the "Stamford Incident" (that sparked the first Civil War) in a fight with mutants.

If the Nitro character is a mutant, then it belongs to Fox with the rest of them.

But when Fitz and Simmons dug through the rubble, they would have found LMD parts rather than just commenting on they weren't finding in terms of bomb-making materials or accelerants.

United States Senators keep dying horribly here…first Christian Ward, now Ellen Nadeer. The Marvel Wikia says Ward represented Massachusetts, while Nadeer was from New York. Once he's freed, perhaps Mace gets appointed to replace Nadeer?

I also had a stray thought about Graviton. Did he (or the thing containing him) go missing in the Hydra takeover chaos or something?

Depends on how cooperative Talbot's lab would be. With Mace still in "command," he could simply order the two labs to work together on something with even longer duration (for just one metric).

Why reverse engineer Talbot's formula? Now that they know it can be improved, Simmons could start with Zabo's original and leapfrog right by Talbot's. If there was a need.

That, and reporting your stolen pastry to local law enforcement.

"I was created to share your burdens, Doctor."