
We'll see if Mace had any withdrawals or side effects from being taken off Calvin Zabo's modified drug cocktail.

We are pretty clear he's never seen any of "robots always turn on humans" movies name-checked by Mack and YoYo last episode.

As I noted elsewhere, it seems likely Senator Nadeer was appointed (or won a special election) to fill the Senate seat opened when Grant Ward murdered his brother, Senator Christian Ward, in Season Two. Thoughts?

Running for office on an anti-alien platform…I like it, and would further speculate that Nadeer is far from the only politician to have done so. Of course, AoS has a tendency to greatly overestimate what one Senator can or can't do.

All valid points. At this point the Senator's backstory remains vague enough that anything is possible. Was she already in politics when the Chitauri struck NYC? She's awfully young to be a US Senator — add in the fact that she's a South Asian woman would normally make her extraordinary just for the non-alien

I'm thinking Senator Nadeer may also be an Inhuman, with some sort of short-term persuasion power. It would explain Vijay's decisions — both made with her in close proximity — and it would explain the Senator's motivation as one of self-loathing; trying to overcompensate for her status by destroying other Inhumans by

Particularly since it's been proven, time and again, that Ward is anything but.

Reddi-Wip and Gulden's Mustard. I wouldn't have thought product placement could possibly happen in a show like this; I was wrong.

Book Childan fantasized about how he could arrange some alone time with Betty.

Childan and Tagomi were the two most interesting characters in the book as well. Perhaps it's not coincidence that the two scenes in this season taken directly from the book involved them (Childan's dinner with the Kasouras and Tagomi's meditative jaunt to "our" reality).

And "Rosebud" was the name of the sled he had as a boy.

Probably best not to mention John Hughes, then.

Evil Hobbitses was mean to poor Smeagol.

The 31-year-old son of director John Landis (Animal House, The Blues Brothers, An American Werewolf in London, Trading Places, Coming to America, etc.).

Of course, now we know Uncle Eli didn't exactly want his nephew tagging along for his "abduction" by Ghost Gal.

Taking all those fiery punches to the face from GR without a scratch…you're right. Mace is the Inhuman Luke Cage (who happens to be White), only his powers were granted through Terrigenesis, not an illicit prison lab trying to replicate the Erskine Super Soldier program.

That was worth an upvote.

It's built into his cybernetic hand, so taking it back would have been a a serious d!ck move by Director Mace.

Which makes it kinda jarring that the daytime outdoor scenes are all in bright sunlight, with hardly a cloud in the sky.

"Skipper Dan" is by far Al's saddest song — all about unfulfilled potential and crushed dreams.