
But to Cersei's twisted notion of "a Lannister paying her debts," completely appropriate.

You expected more from a Dornish woman?

Olenna's a Redwyne by birth, and with her husband, only son and both grandchildren dead, she's technically a Redwyne again.

Also, both Cersei and Melisandre thought Gendry was important enough to kill (for different reasons).

Fair enough. Probably never see Gendry again anyway, unless he and Arya end up together….oh god, I've become a 'shipper.

Ned even commented on it when he arrived at the ToJ, needling Ser Arthur Dayne that "I missed you at the Trident" — i.e. the battle in the Riverlands where Robert killed Rhaegar.

In the books, the Tyrell's "navy" was provided by one of their banners, House Redwyne. The Redwynes were one of the few "mainland" houses able to counter the Ironborn's reavers.

That no longer seems the impediment it once was.

Sympathetic…how? Cersei just murdered hundreds of people — enemies, allies, family members and bystanders — in the most gruesome way imaginable, is directly responsible for the suicide of her last child ("gold shall be their hair, and gold their shrouds" indeed), and started a war that will bring nothing but ruin and

A Direwolf we haven't seen since Episode 2, maybe 3. I mean, Grey Wind fought fiercely at Robb's side — where was Ghost when Jon was in his hour of need?

Walder Frey was on her list. Jaime never was (except to the extent Arya knows she'd have to get by him to reach Cersei).

The scene just before his death, where he casually sends off the naked prostitute, was put there explicitly to prevent and dispel the "Pedo-Pycelle" rumors.

He can't be literally everywhere. Unless you meant Kevan — who was in the Great Sept and died with the others.

And what score there was in the King's Landing scenes was very minimal.

As Gendry has demonstrated, rowboat is THE slowest form of transport in Westeros.

House Baratheon yet lives, at least until Gendry rows his boat ashore….

"Desecration" is a polite euphemism for Septa Unella's fate. This is a Lannister paying off a different kind of debt.

Thank you for the proper name.

Justine, at least —she was the only one with actual lines.

All recounted in Bram Stoker's (undiscovered, unpublished) sequel, "From Dragon to Docent: Dracula's Final Years."