
A Season Four built around the Mummy, Dorian and Mr. Hyde "hulking out" all over London, would have been a watchable set of villains — and a step back from the apocalyptic stakes of Vanessa's story arc.

That horde of vampire spawn clearly fell under the "Ninja Rule:" ONE Ninja is a badazz, stealthy killing machine; an ARMY of Ninjas are disposable mooks.

"I'm sorry…it's 'First, do no whatnow?'"


And so considerate of Dorian to loan them to Sir Malcolm to clean that bloody wolf carcass from Vanessa's room.

Wasn't that more of an Armenian syndicate thing? Or was that limited to the foot-chopping assassin (played by Kurt Sutter) on The Shield?

An opportunity wasted, to be sure.

There are now 20 or so women wandering through Dorian's mansion, unsupervised and with pretty much zero regard for boundaries or other people's property. How long before one of them — *cough*Justine*cough* — blunders into the secret chamber with his Portrait?

On Planet Ikea, naturally.

Problem there was that the Uhura stamp cost 49 cents…but if you lick it, it's $5.00.

"Coin…is Controller, is it not?"
"Yes. Yes, in a way, it is. The desire for Coin controls the individual's functions."

The galaxy-spanning alien parasite conspiracy proved no match for the Writers Guild of America, West, when they went on strike in '88.

They're rich, and into leather. What more is there to know?

Shouldn't that be "It is known?"

That would have been an awkward callback to Dalton's run as James Bond.

The funeral part had a very good poetry reading.

That was Talbot's best laugh line.

Upvoted for "Chickpea Morlocks."

"OK, Cast: Last one to sign their contract renewal for Season Seven…won't need to sign a contract renewal for Season Seven."

The monkey's agent would demand a bigger cut.