
Don't forget the Victory Gin.

Swamp Thing is the REAL Green Destiny.

Yes, Douglas Ong, brother of Chester Ong aka Wide Wale.

More like a Herkimer Battle Jitney, perhaps.

Hank waited on Wide Wale, which may prove useful.

If Doc and Jackson had decided to close up shop, it would have been a great series finale.

Stealing his shuttle and burning down the old Venture compound was…pretty effective.

Maintaining the street-level facade is VERY New York.

When The Monarch cuts off most of his beard and wears a mask and something that isn't Day-Glo orange and yellow…he looks just like Rusty. That's what Billy saw — but since he was pink-eyed on the god-gas he probably won't trust that he really saw that.

I totally thought St. Cloud wanted the Red Ball from the Duran Duran video because he thought it WAS the ORB. Just figured he'd heard something about it as a fully-paid-up member of the Guild, and jumped to a wild conclusion.

Except Stephen's already some 20 years older than Tom Lehrer was in his heyday.

It was hiding in the Amsterdam Cluster.

It helps that Phoebe, Eros and Ceres are the actual names of Saturn's ninth moon and two of the largest asteroids, respectively.

The "seven weeks" that passed between the Scopuli's encounter with the Anubis and the Eros Incident is VERY compressed compared to the book.

Remember also that Anderson Dawes handed that mook to Miller on a plate for some quick "frontier justice," if he'd only forget about Julie and get back to being a bad cop with a drinking problem.

On further consideration, it would make a great Season Two cold open to see Kenzo's final moments again — this time, from his perspective, his eye-spy capturing images of horror and strange beauty…and transmitting them.

Julie and the Scopuli were surprised to find a gunship instead of a cargo ship….

The first one. This is more setup than spoiler…

Jules-Pierre Mao is arrogant enough to have simply assumed Star Helix would take his "request" seriously, and do the work openly that Miller ended up doing on his own.

One takeaway from that opening flashback scene on the Scopuli was that Julie and her crew of OPA dock workers and roughnecks believed — based on intel gathered by Fred Johnson and Anderson Dawes — the Anubis was just some science ship carrying the MacGuffin from Phoebe Station (orbiting Saturn) to (presumably) Eros in