Snowden did whistleblowing right. He got the f—k out of dodge while the gettin' was good.
Snowden did whistleblowing right. He got the f—k out of dodge while the gettin' was good.
Snowden is a hero. The United States betrayed us by secretly and illegally spying on its own citizens, and he gave up his whole life to tell people the truth. Fuck you, Kerry, and everyone else who complicity allowed the NSA to do what it did.
Translation: come back so we can run you through a secret, kangaroo court before locking you away in a dark, featureless box for the rest of your natural life.
It's not just Kerry. I hate the language that politicians and news media use now. It sounds like high school "tough" talk. Some of the stuff Romney said was more like middle school.
Does anyone else think John Kerry is an Ass or is it just me? I've never liked him. Everything that comes out if his mouth is off putting.
Thanks, but my open marriage is not some sexual free-for-all. My husband and I have been together for five years. My boyfriend has been an integral part of my life for over TEN. It Is about LOVE, not sex. I have had sex with a grand total of THREE people in the past five years- my husband, my boyfriend, and a very…
What if I use my finger instead of my penis? Does that still count? Sounds like someone needs to send this poor guy a dildo in the mail! XD
I had the exact same thought - I think specifically if Muslims run with it, it'll scare everyone, because, you know, intolerance.
If I were a high school student in TN right now, I'd be doing some serious research on how best to use this law for trolling/repealing purposes. High school students: use your powers of mischief and undercutting authority for good!
Is sexing while pregnant also considered sodomy? Or by some divine miracle could a woman become more pregnant, thus negating the sodomy factor?
You know us bisexuals are the real recruiters, since we will sex with someone regardless of their plumbing. We go around under the guise of being some hetero person, then BAM, we convert you to the dark side.
"Sodomy Marriage"? To all the bigots out there, I give you this one free of charge: Gomorriage. Make it happen.
These people are so stupid. EVERY marriage is a "sodomy marriage". I'm straight and I try to engage in sodomy at least a couple times a week (hint: blowjobs are sodomy).
Whhyyyyyyyy do people still conflate homosexuality and pedophilia?!?! What Fox news fear-mongering predecessor started that absurd conflation, anyway?
Don't worry, in a few years he'll be living in the hills, only coming down into civilization to steal a chicken or two. And the locals will tell stories to their children of the crazy wild old man who will steal them away to HateLand if they don't eat their vegetables.
Saying "Open Relationships" are Horseshit is like saying "Marriage" is horseshit. Really depends on the relationship and the couple involved.
I think 3 or 4 person relationships are an interesting frontier. There is every reason to think even more parents is even better for children.
Actually, poly's pretty great for the whole "household and kids" thing. More people equals more incomes, more help around the house, more people to share childcare's some work to manage, but so is every relationship. And if my wife finds a "99" to my "97"...then I'm not worried, because there's…
I've been in an open relationship for over seven years now, it's been fine, no drama. I'd gladly take a bet that my marriage lasts longer than Drew's. Drew is also just factually wrong about "please don't bang other people" being an integral part of marriage; polygamy (for men) is a more common relationship structure…