
Mr. Kerry should refrain from saying anything further on this matter. It is not his responsibility to pass judgment when this matter is far more complicated than an everyday criminal act. By his words, he is judging him guilty, and that is morally wrong, and deprives him of due process. For an elected government

Look At It This Way

What if I use my finger instead of my penis? Does that still count? Sounds like someone needs to send this poor guy a dildo in the mail! XD

I've worked third shift with a 10p-8a the previous night, off that day, sleep that day, wake up that afternoon, and go to sleep that night to get up the next morning and go to my office for meetings during the daytime that I need to be a part of. I don't get weekends, I don't get holidays, and the only health benefits

Mine has all of those, but the only family benefits I can get cost 28% of my yearly salary because I'm a *contractor*, not a full-time employee. I'm also in that "gap" of income bracket that pretty much makes the ACA useless for us, too. I get no vacation, no sick leave, no paid time-off, and don't make enough to