
Yeah, like a real spoiler to avoid would be “the movies are deviating from the books in this specific way”, if you’re just following the books it would be absurd not to acknowledge that other people have already read them.

Like the thing about the classic Roman pastas is that if you add or delete any ingredient from it, you get a different one. Like you start with Cacio e Pepe and if you add guanciale you end up with Pasta alla Gricia, if you add egg to that you get Carbonara. If you added something to your Carbonara, you’d have to call

It really feels like Gunn is working from “okay, what are the basic stories that are going to get people to care about these characters and this setting” and relatively few of those intersect with the ongoing saga of Aquaman.

Ultimately it’s better that Zack Snyder gets to express his creative vision with characters he controls, rather than using characters that predate him and that people might have reasons for caring about which are wholly orthogonal to what Mr. Snyder is trying to accomplish.

The real question I have is whether she will continue to be the host for like “Celebrity Jeopardy” or “College Jeopardy” or other special evens that run in prime-time.  It’s possible that the fact that she’s clearly warmer as a host than Mr. Jennings is a good fit for specialty Jeopardy, but not a great fit for

I’m just confused about what purpose this scheme was supposed to actually serve? It’s not like when someone has decided to go see a movie at the theater, and they’re choosing between like 7 or 8 movies, and if 6 of them have negative indicators for whatever reason, then people are compelled in a given direction. 

It feels like “having a computer interpret spoken language” over the broad range of all accents, dialects, and idiosyncratic speech patterns is a bafflingly complex task. Like it’s got a lot more applications than “drive-thru food ordering” but somehow I doubt we’re ever going to be good enough at it to completely

I mean, the basic problem with all of these casual chain restaurants is that the food is almost never good, because it needs to be the same at every location. So you basically everything gets sent in bags or boxes, with a flavor profile set at the factory to appease the lowest common denominator.

My biggest question is “what is the exchange rate between credits and movie tickets”. When they say 34 credits is “up to 2 movies per month” does that mean you can see two movies, if they’re both 10:30 AM on a Tuesday?

Like there are sometimes that the person on the other end of the drive-thru speaker is difficult to understand.  So guaranteeing that the output of the drive-thru speaker is clear and intelligible has value.  But you don’t need to make it sound like someone in particular, and heck the board displaying your order in

Like the FOMO thing that McDonalds uses with the McRib is manipulative, and is probably predicated on “being able to get pork below a certain price depending on market forces” so they’re obviously keying on cheap rather than good pork here. Good pork is fantastic, but cheap pork can be okay they’re just different

Imagine being the person who has to explain to him that Mathematics, as in “what the Mathematics department does at a research university” is properly characterized as either one of the humanities or some sort of esoteric fine art.

I have long considered the correct time to buy a Bethesda RPG to be when the “GotY” (or whatever they’re calling it) version is available with all the expansions and updates. 

I have to imagine that the problem with making “The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” as an actual movie is that you would have a hard time convincing lawyers that the “This is a work of fiction, any similarities to persons living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental” applies. Since KC superfan Chiefsaholic (né Xa

I admit I kind of liked the Twisted Metal show.  It was stupid enough to reflect the source material but smart enough to be interesting, that’s a hard needle to thread.

Since Tacos in America are already a common street food much like doner kebab is in Europe, I suggest we rebrand “French Tacos” as “French Shawarma” for the American audience.

Like I get that you need to have the griddle at a different temperature for the McDonalds breakfast sandwiches compared to hamburgers, which was the problem with all-day Breakfast, but the Hash Brown Bites suggest there is a deep fryer, so they could sell McNuggets.

So you can go there for breakfast sandwiches, snacks, and various sugary drinks but if you want like “lunch” you’re out of luck?

The thing is, in Sweden customarily, all businesses operate via collective agreements with their employees which lay out things like hours, wages, what each position is responsible for, benefits, etc. Sweden notably does not have things like “a minimum wage” or “OSHA” because those things are spelled out in the

I honestly believe that the reason the White Russian was chosen as the cocktail of choice for “The Dude” was that it’s not exactly a refined choice.