
Given that this is Florida, I don’t like their chances. The prevailing regulatory culture of Florida appears to be “you should be able have self-serve on pure liquid caffeine, when you die it’s your fault.

Yeah, it just seems like the assumption of “we can make a console game that people will log into and play every single day for years and years” is a flawed one. Even games with a looong tail like Diablo 2 tend run out of rope with individual users when they get frustrated with something or they run out of things to do.

So the baseline expectation for anything at TGI Fridays is “it’s way too sweet” so the ones of this set that are most likely to be not-disgusting are probably the ciders, since that’s a sweet baseline anyway.  Stay away from the Midori ones and the cocoa is likely to be tooth-shatteringly sweet.

It is super weird this is coming so late in the development process, since “plant based hotdogs that have acceptable flavor and taste” have been available since the mid-90s if not earlier. Like I was in college in the early 2000s and the vegan hotdogs in the dining hall were better than the meat based ones.

I read this headline and thought “GTA VI is coming out on the PS6 and whatever we’re calling the next Xbox”.

Yuuuup. The Mad Max movies have always worked with the logic of myth. The actual Odysseus might have just had a long difficult sea journey trip, but through successive retelling he ends up offending the gods, blinding a cyclops, navigating impossible obstacles, besting a witch, and killing like 60 guys singlehandedly.

I mean, the advantage of DLC rather than physical expansions (like Diablo 2 got with Lord of Destruction) is that you can parcel out content into sizes you can charge reasonable prices for.   Of course, Diablo IV seems weirdly invested in the idea that people really want cosmetic items and battle passes and the like.

The fact that Burton said “working with... puppets” gives me hope that they’ve tried to keep the original aesthetic.

One thing I’m unclear on is - why does active player count matter for a single player game? Like there are lots of single player games people will pick up, enjoy, and then put down when they’ve got what they’ve wanted out of it. It’s not like you can’t lure those people to come back when there’s new content, they’re

It seems pretty clear that since we’re heading into an election year, there’s an effort by certain bad actors on the right to try to rebrand the conspiracy theories that got the base riled up in the past into new forms.  Like Pizzagate was not “Comet Ping Pong was involved in satanic child abuse at the behest of high

I really wonder how much “it’s day one on gamepass” cut off the legs from this game. With an “all you can eat, monthly subscription” model there’s more of a psychological incentive to play as many different games as you can whereas if you shelled out for the game a la carte there’s more of an incentive to get your

At least with TV budgets being limited we’re probably going to see the Brotherhood conserve their Vertibirds more carefully than they did in FO4, whether they wouldn’t do sensible things like “return to base when they’ve taken a lot of damage” since those six super mutants in that bombed out building were worth

You know, if I was pitching a Fallout show I think I’d much more closely cling to the plot of Fallout 1 i.e. “person from vault leaves on an important mission and finds themselves in a strange world” then straight up jump to “there are ghouls all over and the Brotherhood has spanned the U.S. and has a fleet of

One thing I do with my “main raw egg consumption” via eggnog is sterilize the eggs with alcohol. What I do is take my recipe minus the dairy (so eggs, sugar, boozes, etc.) , and mix it all together and stow that in the refrigerator for three weeks. The result is a higher ABV solution that is going to be more effective

If you own an immersion circulator, you can pasteurize your own eggs.  135F for 75 minutes does the job.  The resulting, cooled eggs, are slightly thicker than raw eggs but you can substitute them for almost every purposes.  If you’re making a gin fizz though, note that the home-pasteurized eggs are slightly harder to

I mean, it probably makes more sense to have stuff that’s 60+ years old on a FAST service, since very few people are going to sign up for an “all you can eat” service to watch it.  But this does sort of point to how the whole subscription based streaming model is broken.

All the money they spent on this could have been better put towards producing more episodes of “The Floor is Lava” which is uncomplicated, stupid fun.

Why are we asking him? He didn’t even make it. If Henry Selick wants to make another one, that’s what matters.

I guess Hogwarts Legacy was a game of the year 2023, in the sense that it came out in 2023 and is a game.  If you listed all of the 2023 video games in order of quality, it would appear somewhere on the list (but absolutely nowhere near the top.)

Well, if your ancestors at some point were practicing Judaism, then you have still have a connection to Judaism (since one is generally connected to their ancestors somehow.)