
I mean sort of the premise of the Authority is that these are incredibly powerful people who aren’t necessarily benevolent or correct, they just think they know better and act as though they do. They’re not *exactly* heroes.

Remember, it is always possible (and generally preferable) to avoid commenting on “all Jewish people at once”. There are certainly individual Jewish people who are assholes, because they are after all people, and other individuals who are plausible members of the Tzadikim Nistarim because, again they are people.

My recipe is 12 eggs, 1.5c bourbon,.5c brandy, 1/3c aged rum, 1.5 c sugar. Mix that together and age it in the fridge 3 weeks.  The alcohol will sterilize the eggs during this time.

With maximal charity, I think I could see what he’s trying to say being “if we’re going to commit too many resources to one part of the process of making movies and television, the best place to do this is probably *writing* since it’s hard to make anything good from a bad script/screenplay.”

I would think if they’re just going to run the same play again with a prequel with one of the TBBT characters, the thing to do would be to pick one of the gals since “Growing up as a girl nerd in an era that wasn’t really that accepting of that sort of thing“ is at least a different story.

What changed that made it so studios started writing off completed, or largely completed movies for tax purposes? Was this a thing that always happened and we just didn’t cover it, or was there some reason “The Adventures of Pluto Nash” couldn’t have been shelved for a tax writeoff instead of taking like a $95m

Jared Leto.

The point is to strongly disincentivize companies from doing that. You could write off something like a family drama with original characters, but would never risk losing control over legacy characters. If this creates the incentive for studios to make movies that aren’t tied to legacy characters, all the better.

The point is to strongly disincentivize companies from doing that. You could write off something like a family drama with original characters, but would never risk losing control over legacy characters. If this creates the incentive for studios to make movies that aren’t tied to legacy characters, all the better.

If you need to process 12 billion copyrighted images to create something that sells for a dollar, that suggests to me that the industry you’re in is not sustainable and would be no great loss if it folded.

I mean, is this an issue unique to AI? If I can’t afford a foundry or a semiconductor fabrication plant then I probably shouldn’t get into industries that require those things. “I can’t afford it” was only even a slightly acceptable argument when it comes to individual consumption but is never going to fly via “I have

They really need to adjust the tax code so that in order to claim writeoffs on completed work, you have to release that work to the public domain.

Listen, sometimes a $5 hot and ready is exactly what you need in your life.  Little Caesars will honor the contract that it’s cheap, hot, and ready and will make exactly no other promises.

I’ve had all of those except the Puerto Rican potato salad.  I guess I need to get on that.

I confess, this is how I learned that the new Call of Duty is not simply a remake of the 2011 Call of Duty with a similar name.  I saw TV ads for the new one and thought “didn’t this game already come out 10 years ago?”

I mean, if you really wanted to justify Shepherd existing in some sense six centuries later, there’s the fact that Shepherd already died once and she was retrofitted with considerable cybernetics to bring her back. Plus, in 2/3 of the viable endings she merges, in a sense, with the God-Computer.

Listen, when we said “we should sterilize anybody who thinks spending considerable amounts of money on an ugly jpeg of a cartoon ape is a good idea” we didn’t mean “Blind them with UVC bulbs, normally used for germicidal purposes.”

Most likely the culprit is that the UVA, UVB, and UVC bulbs all go in the same slot and somebody wasn’t careful. It’s just that the latter is used for sterilization, so you shouldn’t get it on you.

Wait, when ChatGPT told me that the Axiom of Choice was equivalent to its negation was it being woke?

The pumpkin and ginger syrups being extremely similar make sense to me, given that the predominant spices in pumpkin pie are cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg whereas the predominant spices in gingerbread are cinnamon, ginger, and clove.  It’s easy to overdo clove, so at a guess the Starbucks Test kitchen made sure they