
I mean, “franchise fatigue” as a general phenomenon is nonsense. While I feel like I’m done with Star Wars, I will watch any Planet of the Apes movie or TV show anybody wants to make. I’m in the mood for more of the John Wick universe, but none of the Harry Potter universe. I’d love another Mass Effect, I don’t care

It’s not a bad cocktail by any means (though it tends to be unbalanced in the sweet direction) but people in Wisconsin can be weirdly provincial about both its canonicity and whether or not it’s superlative in the realm of cocktails (it emphatically, is not).

I have to say as someone who is not and has never been a Starbucks person the name “Gingerbread Oatmilk Chai Latte” is very confusing. Like does it contain tea or coffee? Does it have to have oatmilk or can you get a different milk?

But the events of Conquest would not have been possible if Cornelius and Zira were not already superintelligent apes to travel back in time and give birth to Caesar (named for a figure in their mythology).

Well, it’s a different backstory! Because they blew up the planet in Beneath, in order to make a sequel they had to invoke time travel. So as I read it the events of Rise take place before the events of Escape in the linear time frame of “Cesar’s bloodline”, it’s just that Escape is set largely in the 1970s and Rise

I’ve come to understand that I just don’t like fried cheese.  To me, it’s a culinary version of “a hat on a hat”.

Yeah, as someone who doesn’t play Destiny the biggest obstacle is “it is impossible for me to experience the entire story from the beginning until the present” a thing that is not true of any other game I could be playing instead.  To say nothing about literally any other piece of media.

I don’t think the recent trilogy is a reboot. It’s more a prequel a la “how did the world get to where we saw it in the original.” They likely didn’t have the money or the technology to tell the story of “how did the Apes take over the world” back in in the 70s, so they just decided to tell that story now.

Planet of the Apes probably has the highest batting average of any long science fiction or fantasy franchise. For my money, of the ten films there are only 2 bad one- (Beneath (1970) and the remake (2001). That’s a better average than like Star Wars or Star Trek or the MCU. Even the weaker ones have a lot more soul

I’m not sure this would help.  A lot of the compelling interest in the whole Avengers thing to begin with was “are they going to be able to pull this off?”  as in “can they pull together all these disparate plot strings into a big story that justifies all the leg work and feels satisfying.”  Now whether or not you

As someone with Hulu who does not want Disney+, I don’t know how to feel.

There are some great people working on Destiny, and it seems like there’s some neat stuff there, but I have to question leadership for making a game like this that seems so much like a job rather than a leisure-time activity.

Tesla seemed massively overvalued to begin with, because of people who *believed* in Elon Musk for whatever reasons. Like whether or not Teslas are good cars or the company is well run, their market cap shouldn’t be higher than that of Toyota.

To say nothing of “Possession”(1981).  Certainly not an easy watch, but he does some great work there.

The first Fantastic Beasts movie was entirely likeable, but I’m never giving my time or money to anything connected with Ms. Rowling ever again.

I get motion sickness (well, simulation sickness) from first person games, so I generally avoid them. I’m the weirdo who played Skyrim in 3rd person.

The best Halloween game remains DoubleFine’s “Costume Quest” since it actually captures why you probably love Halloween to begin with.  The sequel is fine too.

I could see ordering a Steak with your phone from the parking lot of a Texas Roadhouse and taking it to some place close by that’s not a Texas Roadhouse and eating it there.

I think the thing about Fight Club is that it’s a closed loop in the culture- it resonates with a thing that happened, but isn’t happening anymore. Like “Late stage capitalism is bad” is just background radiation now.

The Pearson’s Salted Nut Roll has always been a superior alternative to the normal Payday bar, as the peanuts are of higher quality.  It just seems like they’ve made a better Baby Ruth here, which frankly isn’t that hard.