
I still do not understand why Twitter did not choose a font where "I" and "l" look different instead of one where they look exactly the same.

It's hard to find the grapefruit Jarritos these days.  Which is too bad, since it makes for a great paloma.

Twitter would be unusable without bots. The “cute animals at regular intervals” account makes it possible to handle all the doomscrolling generated by real accounts.

The "bots" thing is just incredibly bad faith attempt to get out of a bad deal you agreed to.  I follow many bots on purpose which add more to my Twitter experience than many of the real people I follow.

What, precisely, is the point of having a “Social Team” if they are not also the people in charge of the (verified) twitter account?

It’s still less dumb than the tomahawk steak that’s covered in gold leaf.

This only really makes sense when you consider that “these folks likely had the previous Gru/Minions films as an influential part of their childhoods” and everybody gets to pretend at least a little that the stuff they loved as a kid was “actually really good”.

I was kind of hoping more consideration would be done towards aerodynamics and the ability to accurately hit one’s target. The reason the tomato is a classic is that it’s roughly spherical and you can generally hit what you’re aiming at. Discs of Bologna or fistfuls of glop are more likely to miss.

Cheese powder is usually just actual cheese that’s been melted, stabilized (e.g. with sodium citrate) and then spray dried.

I don’t think that they would want to make the ticket nontransferable. It’s possible some incredibly rich person would just decide that they like the taste of the cocktail and order half a dozen of them. The bar staff absolutely doesn’t want to do anything that would prevent that from happening, and I don’t imagine

I wonder how much you’d have to pay someone to take the cruise for you to get the voucher. These aren’t limited to “one per customer per cruise” right? So if you have a bunch of people willing to pay you more than $5000 for your voucher, there’s a grey market opportunity here. Plus, you’d get lot of backpacks.

It’s the same scam as the ridiculously expensive steak that’s covered in gold leaf.  Some people are going to say “look at how ridiculous it is” and then people for whom “conspicuous consumption” is a valued thing in order to acquire status are going to say “hey...”

It’s sort of a perverse incentive that they get more attention from “charging $5k for the cocktail, while throwing in flatware, an entire bottle of wine, and a bunch of other stuff to try to justify the price tag” than if they just made a top shelf cocktail with appropriate margins. Like nobody’s really going to bat

Yeah, the “is a hotdog a sandwich” thing has always been about arguing across definitions. Save for committed sandwich monists, nobody really wants to argue that a sausage is a sandwich. However if you present that sausage in the context where “bread is a handle” it clearly is.

This harkens back to a more “innocent” time when EA was the bad guy among video game publishers. Now you look at like Ubisoft and Activision and the stuff people got mad at EA for pales in comparison.

Sure, but the DM is initially skeptical about Erica’s character and when she mentions “Kukri” he doesn’t respond with “what book is that from?” or anything like that.  He doesn’t actually vet her character sheet at all!

So is Godzilla v. Kong just going to be 50/50 booking?  Godzilla won the last fight, but Kong was instrumental in defeating the real enemy and won Godzilla’s respect so he didn’t really lose any drawing power.  So are we going to see the two of them rumble in Hollow Earth so Kong can win?

I suspect Winona Ryder was not a D&D nerd in the 80s, and thus did not catch that Erica’s rogue using a kukri was an anachronism since there weren’t rules for the weapon in AD&D/2e until Dragon Magazine #189 in January of 1993.

I think the basic assumption of these meal kits is “you don’t cook unless you hold you’re hand” so they won’t give you the whole bottle of hoisin (which lasts in the fridge as long as BBQ sauce or ketchup), we’re going to just get you what you need.

How is it that Disney keeps missing that a key part of the Star Wars aesthetic is that it’s dingy, lived in, and probably could be had for a reasonable price.