
So ultimately the problem here is that “5 dashes” is not an especially precise measurement, and the bitters are particularly important here as otherwise the drink is liable to be too sweet. When we’re actually including a large amount of bitters, it’s better to say “1/8 tsp” or “1/4 tsp” because that’s much easier to

I thought it was generally best to monetize a “free to play” game by making it really fun to play for free, and then people who are having fun will see various things to buy that they think will let them have even more fun, and that this is generally okay.

The central logical failure of the episode is the assumption that America would import grain.  America imports many things, but is a net exporter of basically anything you can eat.  The rice for Rice Krispies is grown in Arkansas for goodness sakes.

4th edition was the best one.

Sure, but “salsa” just means “sauce”, “naan” just means “bread”, “chai” just means “tea”, “panini” just means “sandwich”, etc. Sometimes connotations are a big part of the meaning of a word.

I feel like the *last* line of defense is “not giving people who will attack the security of your device at the hardware level physical access to your device.”

Tevinter is absolutely an easier place to set an author-driven narrative in (like a book or a show) than it is to set a video game in. It’s supposed to be large, vertically and horizontally sprawling, dense and dynamic, and generally all those sorts of things that video games are bad at which is why so many of them

I’ll be dead and in or on the ground somewhere before I buy margarine.  I live close enough to dairy country where it wouldn’t surprise me if margarine were made illegal again (as it was in Wisconsin until 1967).

It's increasingly hard to believe that Guile is in the Air Force.

The Nitrogen Pepsi was fine.  I actually kind of liked the texture, it's just that it still tasted like Pepsi.  The same process with a better tasting soda might even be a winner.

When other services do weekly releases for their shows, I just wait until they’re all released to start watching anyway.  It’s not like these things are seasonal in the way that TV used to be where there’s a rhythm to when shows start and end.  It makes zero difference to me whether The Boys S3 started in June or

I had heard the word pronounced “sass-puh-ril-uh” hundreds perhaps thousands of times before I bothered to pay attention to how it’s spelled and now I’m mad.

I’m deeply skeptical of any hams that don’t have a bone in them.  That’s not a ham, that’s a craft project with meat glue.

I’m about as Swedish as someone can get without living in Sweden (all of my family except my siblings live there), and from what I can understand the bright line standard is that if you’ve specifically invited someone to come for a meal or they are staying with you overnight you absolutely feed them, but people who

Hobo Ken has relocated to New Jersey, poor guy.

I mean naively, it’s unclear whether “how many bots there are on twitter” actually affects its value. The primary value of twitter is that “it’s the place where things happen” (that and data). A bunch of bots that are off on their own corner of twitter or that you blocked don’t really meaningfully affect this. Like

I’m skeptical that the laminations in the pastry are going to survive the waffling process, so I’m not sure what the difference is between this and “a waffle batter with a lot of butter in it.”

I did like Pootie Tang a lot, but Louis CK makes me feel bad for liking Pootie Tang as much as I did.

I mean, the benefit of a Merkle tree is the ability to transmit data in a peer-to-peer network and be able to quickly verify that the information is unaltered and undamaged. That’s a legitimate use for this technology.  The problem most crypto applications have is the assumption that any of this means anything outside

The Pizza Ranch I used to live near had “all you can eat Tacos” for a reasonable price.  I have fond memories of bringing friends and board games and eating a frankly irresponsible amount of food over the course of however long it took to play one of those complicated modern board games.