Now I’m never going to know what “crab leg” flavored vape juice tastes like. Alas.
Now I’m never going to know what “crab leg” flavored vape juice tastes like. Alas.
That’s what I’m counting on (the “or hurt you” part).
I started with Bittman’s “How to Cook Everything” as a novice and I would probably recommend that to a novice. It’s a good mixture of “things which are extremely easy” and “things which are recognizable and a bit more ambitious” that will let someone balance the feeling of accomplishment with gentle encouragement to…
Inspired by the culinary traditions of Chicago. Does that mean there will be absolutely no ketchup in the coffee, or will there be just one cup of coffee with ketchup in it so that everybody can unite around throwing scorn at it? The sort of Pharmakon of coffee.
Also, there’s 30 stadia and 17 weeks of games, so getting to all of them is going to require a lot of creative traveling involving Monday and (most likely) Thursday Night Games.
So I get that people were ordering these kinds of things for stunts, but were they actually drinking them? I guess the 20oz of espresso wouldn’t be too bad if you pace yourself, but “drinking a cup of syrup” doesn’t sound attractive whether it’s hazelnut, maple, simple, or corn.
Does it make a difference what kind of orange soda I use? Like “artisinal orange soda sold only in glass bottles” versus “orange crush”?
I think I’m just going to make your mom’s recipe. 1.25 lbs of beef (instead of 1) and having to eyeball “cutting something into 12" seems super inconvenient. I’m not above baking my own dinner rolls for this.
I remember in college, making a point to arrange at least 2 hours for lunch.
It’s all the butter you put in there to make them delicious.
It feels like calling out “toppings” categorically is weird. Like if I get lettuce, tomato, onions, and pickles on my hamburger it’s quite a bit different nutritionally speaking than if I got cheese, bacon, mayonnaise, and ketchup.
This feels like one of those games where “refusing to participate” is a valid victory condition in the context of the game. Why do I need level 100 anyway?
What are the chances that they pivot and make this a regular menu offering (once they can get more chicken parts) versus making this a Turbo McRib thing? I don’t live near a Popeyes, but if I find myself near one I would want to try this sandwich people are really excited about.
Well, it’s also an issue of “would we rather people pay us to harvest some deer in the fall or would we rather pay people to haul away the rotting deer carcasses in the spring.”
I mean, fundamentally the reason we should all be okay with deer hunting is that the deer herd is massively overpopulated because humans have displaced their natural predators (mostly wolves). It’s not an issue of “how many deer we’d prefer to have around” it’s an issue of the carrying capacity of the environment- a…
I guess they figured that reactionary asshats were the only people who were going to buy their game, after all this came to light, and wouldn’t buy their game if they backed down. I guess they’re hoping for “people will buy any piece of garbage to ‘stick it to the SJWs’” or something.
How to braise. Once you understand the method, all braises (pork vindaloo, carne avodava, hungarian goulash, pot roast, etc.) are all the same technique. It’s just the ingredients that vary.
Dave Arneson got Jack Kirby-ed.
I just hope the games industry has gotten this “we will also do Destiny, but slightly different” thing out of their system.
Really, a sauce more identifiable as mornay sauce would be a preferable thing to pour on (dry, boxed, institutional, fast food, etc.) mac and cheese than brown gravy.