
If you had to eat one Muppet, which one and why?

I mean 90% of outré “Pumkpin Spice”offerings just taste like cinnamon + whatever it is.  It’s long been believed, perhaps erroneously, that Spam means “Spiced Ham” so they’re finally putting spices in it.  Just, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg.

If I died eating tacos, I would at least know I went out doing what I loved.

Clearly the solution is to start celebrating Taco Thursday.

I assume the Lego movie’s argument would be “in fact, they are talking about TAKO Tuesday- they just think they are talking about tacos.”

Wait, why isn’t the big story is they’re committing to another Saint’s Row game? I’m curious to see how they’re going to keep the series’ commitment to keeping inconvenient continuity.  Are they just going to use one of Johnny’s potential wishes at the end of Gat out of Hell to reboot things, or are we going to get a

I’m going to put masala chai spice in my pumpkin pie and see if anyone notices.

It’s a palmier. The layers are much thicker in a funnel cake, and an elephant ear doesn’t have layers.

My problem with assembling a pickle sandwich is that I do not think I would be able to assemble the sandwich before eating the pickle.

I live on the other side of the river and our Sonic closed. Turns out when it’s 10 below and the parking lot is really icy, having your restaurant be a drive in is pretty much worse than all the other options.  There’s a Canes in that spot now.

I need to know which mattress I should buy off the internet!

I still want some kind of leafy green vegetable emoji.

Putting aside the fact that ranch is nasty, I can’t see anything with the texture of ranch improving the “dipping a chip in salsa” experience. Like the whole idea behind making salsa “chunky” is that you are going to lose less of it as you bring the chip to your face.

It feels like that garlic quantity is way too little. Are we sure it shouldn’t be 1/4 cup? It’d probably better with 1/4 cup.

Only two options I will consider are October 31st or May 1st in the Southern Hemisphere.

I am most likely to try a Naturday than a White Claw, FWIW. I mean, for one thing it’s gonna be cheaper, so less regret is involved.

Previously I avoided the pan pizza at the hut since my previous experiences with it were super greasy on the bottom. Greasy like “you can’t put it on a paper plate” greasy.  Now I understand this is likely not intended, but is the new formula one where this particular failure mode is less likely?

Really, calling out dickheads on their dickheadery should be part of a community manager’s job.

I went to Bartending School to get a certificate and I’ve never even had a LaCroix so I’m completely baffled by this whole thing; thank you for the explainer.

Still no McSpicy Paneer, alas.