
You should really have a note about the "classics" like you do for the "12 best PC games" article. A lot of those classic "best games ever made" (e.g. Fallout 2, Baldur's Gate 2, etc.) have perfectly serviceable Mac ports.

Per Todd Howard, Skyrim development started approximately when Fallout 3 DLC was finished (so around July 2009) and it was announced at the 2010 VGAs in December, so about 16 months later. It released in November of 2011, which was about 28 months later.

I just assume that every pronunciation of "gif" is incorrect, so I call them "giraffes" because I know that is also incorrect.

I don't see any reason to be upset by this. Just paying attention to how Bethesda does business, it's pretty clear that Fallout 4 won't be ready for release until at least 2015 some time.

$50: Bought Skyrim Legendary and Dishonored GotY. This was a really uninspiring autumn for games, from where I sit. I'm not even going to consider buying a new console until 2015 at the earliest.

Not only have I played Fallout Tactics more than FO3, I've played J.E. Sawyer's Fallout Role Playing game (the Pen and Paper one) more than FO3.

It is, however, probably the least I've played any Fallout game (except for Brotherhood of Steel, and we all just pretend that one never existed.)

Unquestionably a good game, one I've put 200+ hours into and played through 3 whole times, twice including all the DLC (which I bought). But still, deep down I feel like it doesn't do justice to it's predecessors. Bethesda made a game I enjoyed, but it really seems like they kind of missed the point of Fallout.

I've been gaming since the Atari 2600, and I've never considered any system to be a "must own." It really seems like a meaningless distinction, and an offshoot of the sort of "gatekeeper" behavior that treats people as though they are "not true gamers" unless they own the right boxes and play the right games.'

Strictly speaking, spiders are not insects. They are arachnids. So if your PS4 doesn't work because it's full of spiders, scorpions, or ticks... go ahead and send it to Sony; they don't mind!

Isn't this always the risk that early adopters undertake? That the device might not work as well as you expect it to and a much better version will come along later.

Nevertheless, the reason this issue is being referred to as a "blue light of death" is because people remember Microsoft's "red ring of death" on the Xbox 360. That hardware problem killed so many original Xbox 360s, that Microsoft eventually had to extend the warranty on the machine for three year. The fiasco cost

Until the PS3/360/Wii generation is clearly over, I intend to refer to that generation as "7th gen" and the PS4/Xbone/Wii-U generation as the "8th gen". That seems like the best way to avoid ambiguity inherent in the "next gen"/"current gen" phrasing. Since, in a sense, there are two generations that are current as

Even if those first milestone missions were easier my casualties went up noticeably on the run-of-the-mill operations because of this. Enemy Within also seems to have ramped up the panic—I started my playthrough on Easy just because I didn't want to go down a rabbit hole from which I couldn't recover long term, yet

Looking to social communication to determine intelligence sort of presupposes that only social species can be intelligent, doesn't it?

I think a lot of the studies on cat intelligence are sort of problematic because our understanding of "intelligence" is highly biased towards social animals (which cats are not.)

This analysis, of course, assumes that the player wants to play multiplayer. Personally, I don't enjoy multiplayer, so even if I were to buy Call of Duty, I would only get about the 6 hours needed to complete the campaign out of it, putting my per hour cost at $10, which is worse than going to the movies even if you

To me, the most impressively constructed choice in a Mass Effect game (and indeed in any game this generation) was in Legion's Loyalty Mission in Mass Effect 2. Long story short, there are essentially two irreconcilable groups of Geth: those that believe they should aid the Reapers, and those who believe they should

I've never played a Battlefield game before, but I must say it's awfully convenient that the repair that the aircraft required involved nothing more than applying a torch for a couple of seconds. Most things that would cause an aircraft to crash would involve significantly more involved repairs.

They're a big indie. They basically maintain three different teams that are smallish compared to AAA development. One of those three teams is doing Broken Age (led by Tim Schafer), another is working on Massive Chalice (led by Brad Muir), and the third team is doing Spacebase DF-9 (led by JP LeBreton). They're