
If I may, let me explain what happened here.


You know, if I could opt to not pay monthly for things like rent, loan payments, utilities, etc. without seriously deleteriously affecting my standard of living I absolutely would choose not to do those things.

In a word: "No."

Who pays $4,160 for a shirt and pants? I mean, given that Bruce Banner understands that he's going to be going through a lot of outfits, you'd think he's shop at Target or some discount suit warehouse if he needs to dress up.

I was really hoping this was actually an A-team game. You'd have automatic weapons, but you'd be incapable of shooting anybody with them, just suppressing fire and the ability to cause explosions by shooting fuel tanks that are attached to vehicles or just left lying around. There'd be a kickass van-driving minigame

The quartet of DLC for Fallout: New Vegas is largely responsible for turning that game from "Buggy, but still great" into "Transcendent (but still crashes a bunch.)" I mean, Ulysses' journey uniting not only each DLC pack (which works independently of all the others) in addition to providing the explanation for the

All of the communities in New Vegas at least felt like sustainable communities that actually had people, not so places like Arefu and Big Town. Exploration shouldn't need to "pay off" in a game like Fallout, you explore just to find out what's there.

Fallout Tactics certainly isn't good.

Fallout 3 is without question a good video game. It is, however, a terrible Fallout game. It's like J.J. Abrams' Star Trek movies; they may be a good time, but they aren't really "Star Trek" for the things people loved about Star Trek for decades.

The correct order is clearly:

  • Survey Question One: If the Xbox One must use the Internet but can run online, then I will accept an offline gaming mode that lasts as little as 3 days.

I just play offline because I enjoy neither trolls nor trolling, to be honest.

If only LucasArts were still around, and decided to release Maniac Mansion on the Wii-U virtual console for some reason.

When I get this, the first thing I'm going to do is try to create Dkrtzy RRR. If they include the Green Lantern who is a "bio-sentient mathematical equation," then they have my unending respect.

I'm unfamiliar with Hawken. Why is the "K" backwards in one picture and forwards in the other one?

I think the line of logic is actually more that "If a sexualized woman is okay, then a sexualized man is also okay." If being confronted with one or the other makes you uncomfortable, then you probably shouldn't be quite so comfortable with the other one.

If so, great. If something works as a power fantasy for one sex and a sexual fantasy for those people who are attracted to that sex, then that's just about the best thing since everybody benefits.

The thing to keep in mind is that Psychonauts was Tim Schafer's game (as was Brütal Legend) but Stacking and Costume Quest were not. The Lead Designer of Costume Quest was Tasha Harris (who is now at Pixar, though the game's producer Gabe Miller, is still at DF) and the Lead Designer of Stacking was Lee Petty.

The important distinction is the difference between a "bad game" and "a game that disappointed you" as the prompts ask for both (worst game is question #1, most disappointing game is question #2.) Good games are never bad games, but good games can easily be disappointing.