
You know I was reading about Trey Parker the other day, and apparently his dad's name is Randy, and he's a...wait for it...geologist. He must be so proud.

Considering South Park makes an entire episode in one week so their story/jokes are topical and relevant, you're damn right it's news.

But horrific isn't comparative. It can be horrific and so can all those other things.

I don't think a 7 year old having a seizure either hospitalized or self-diagnosed herself. Just saying. If she had a seizure, then a slew of tests would have been run, and that's the diagnosis the doctors would have been left with based on her brain patterns and bloodwork and every other test they have to run when a

No, he's not keeping them locked up in a sex dungeon...but yes, if he's really feeding them only what's listed in the affadavit, then he actually IS starving them - killing them slowly of starvation and malnutrition and apparently sleep deprivation which is probably also a contributing factor to the youngest's

Now, ordinarily I get peeved by people who rush to say 'I KNEW IT' whenever a celebrity for whom they have a mild distaste fucks up on the record, but Greg Ginn is a notorious bag of shit, and this doesn't surprise me in the least. Read about Black Flag's history and you'll end up liking Henry Rollins more than Ginn.

Ginn tightly controlled the band's finances and owned their record label, and so he generally gave out scraps to his band members who were idealistically enough to remain in the band. But there are quite a few horror stories - Henry Rollins mentioned a period where he lived off dog food wrapped in bread.

Fuck. Unfortunately for lots of old punk kids, I think if we started scratching punk's surface we'd find all sorts of horrible things.

Ginn pretty much had a totalitarian role in Black Flag where he loved to play mind games with band members, drill them into practicing for hours and hours, and forced them to live in poverty.

Iggy is racist? How do you figure?

im a pretty big fan of iggy, not going to lie, so it bothers me when people say shes not genuine and compare her to the present-day nicki minaji. Does anyone remember nicki circa 2009? She was gimicky as hell, she made a shit ton of money and now wears actual fashion and not crazy wigs/eyesore outfits #neverforget

I live in Bakersfield, right next to Wasco, and I am astonished that this has made the national news. Guys, the actual guy came forward and explained it was just a photography project for his wife.

Nothing good comes from clowns. Nothing good will ever come from clowns.

Why I never... You monster.

Oh yes chickens are downright evil. If they had the ability to actually do any sort of major planning we would all be dead right now. Also they often pick out one chicken and peck it to death. My chickens were totes assholes growing up.


You win. Hands down.

Clowns. My best story involves a lot of clowns.

I mean, I have other stories. Honorable mention goes to the time I had sex on the 5th floor of a hotel's glass-walled staircase in plain view of the street below because we couldn't afford to get a room in said hotel, and the time I swam out to the center of Walden Pond