
Weird, of the ten or so fraternities I’m familiar with in Columbus, none have more than the singular “hey, we’re totally not racist” minority.

Welcome to Ohio, where you’re allowed to be the one token black friend, as long as you’re still voting for Trump.

I think the praise as manager thing is not as clear a success as you think. It seems like his strategy is to spend a bunch of someone else’s money then let his employees write whatever they want. Yeah, of course that’s going to make a bunch of happy employees. But success as a middle manager? Part of the reason he

He may have made money, but he didn’t make anyone else money, even his podcast. Who is going to throw money at him again?

Akron State isn’t competing with OSU in any scenario. There’s no reason to start fretting about that in this instance.

That is how much the top level organization makes, with most of it, at $700M coming from the basketball tournament. After that, the conferences make more, like the Big Ten’s $450M, and then the individual schools make more again, like Wisconsin’s $100M Under Armour deal. There’s a lot more than $2,000/athlete

Hamilton wont be at the road games thanks to his DUI.

You can cringe all you want, that doesn’t mean it’s not a real concern.

Maybe if our shitty-ass fans stopped going to see that dumpster fire on the lake and went and watched a team that has been over .500 for four straight years now, we wouldn’t have to talk about how ridiculous it is that Clevelanders don’t go to Indians games.

It matters to us because theres not much worse than being English.

Maybe if people don’t like the rules of the game they should stop watching? Oh, we’re still going to give our money hand over fist to the league almost regardless of what they do? Then why should we be remotely surprised or upset that they’re going to try to get away with whatever bullshit they can. It never affects

His base is people who hate those who dont pay taxes though.

Eh, Michigan is 23rd in S&P+. They’ve been fine on offense. Its just that Wisconsin defense is that good too.

They already deal with plenty of that.

He built them to an 11 win team before his boss gave up on the team to move to Baltimore.

I wonder when people will finally realize how not important Brady actually is to the Patriots success. He’s a fine quarterback, but Belicheck could turn the Browns into a legit contender.

Actually, for Cleveland fans, it’s not hard at all to pick sides here. Paul Hoynes is a bumbling idiot who once lost his Hall of Fame ballot, not voted for Pedro because he thinks hes a jerk, and vehemently defends the use of pitcher wins. The guy gives even old-timey sportswriters a bad name.

No doubt about it. But I’ve yet to see any posts asking Motherwell to use their “tactical genius” to get back in it.

It’s almost as if one team has three guys that each make as much or more than the entire opposing starting eleven combined.

So youre just being pedantic about which ways teams should have to run the clock out, and get to decide what level is too lazy, apparently taking a knee isnt? You must be a joy to watch a game with.