A history of one arm injury, a specific one that has a great recovery rate, and he has looked more than fine since coming back from it.
A history of one arm injury, a specific one that has a great recovery rate, and he has looked more than fine since coming back from it.
Not even close, players are getting 40% of revenue, maybe even less. The league could easily afford to give up 50%, and back in the 90s, owners were still very successful when players were getting close to 60% of the revenue.
Steroids were a big enough deal that they were cover story of the June 23, 1969 Sports Illustrated. We know the East Germans were loading up in the 60s and 70s. The 1963 Chargers took Dianabol every chance they could. Steroids flourished in the 60s, and many players were using them. To attempt to dismiss House as you…
“Oakland was indeed Ground Zero of the steroid era”
I see the problem here. You’re mad that people think Bonds is less of an asshole than you are. I read that fucking comment, you know this because I fucking responded to it. Oh, and make sure to look at my internet tough guy presence, because I can write the word “fuck”.
Mrs. Selig couldn’t have written a better shill job for MLB.
We know for sure that Willie Mays used chemicals to aid his career. The others probably did too.
That’s because when players in the 70s were using drugs, and steroids were available then, the strike zone was bigger, the ballparks were bigger, and expansion didn’t dump three teams worth of AAA pitching into the NL in a six year stretch.
“they feel aggrieved that others got paid for doing shit that was never legal in baseball”
And look how well McGwire is doing in balloting for a guy who came clean and apologized.
“the group representing a much larger baseball community of guys who didn’t use “
This requires you to believe that Trump actually listened to Musk, and Musk had any real interest in actually influencing Trump. Far more likely is that Musk felt it was better for business to say “I can help from the inside!” and only when it was painfully clear he was doing no such thing did he have to re-signal to…
It’s not the bunting part, it’s the giving away an out part.
This completely misses the point of what EJ’s job is.
Opportunity cost of playing was well known by people who followed the sport.
Except for the increasing amount of time he spends each year ranting nonsensically. Hamilton knows he can get away with anything, even the rare xenophobia, and demonstrates as much.
It works for the NBA and NFL.
Trumbo went to school in Villa Park, CA, a town with an average income over $116k. Working class indeed.
What is this list of QBs with two Super Bowl wins? This seems like possibly such a small sample that we’re asking the equivalent of what a guy’s batting average is in Tuesday day games.
I wonder if there was something else that happened to overlap almost those exact same years with Brady, maybe a coach who is better at finding talent than the rest of the league. Someone who found a few QBs that could win 11 games per 16 when Brady is out.