Helluva Bottom Carter

A) I love Veep beyond the telling of it. I went back and rewatched all the earlier seasons to get ready for this season, and I couldn’t believe how many brilliant little asides I’d missed the first time around. How can you not love a show that gives you lines like, “Joke’s on you, Dan... I fucking love burritoes”?

It seems like Johnny Depp reportedly smashing a phone in his wife’s face would deserve its own post instead of lumped in on this gossip roundup bullshit.

Nope. Different brands calculate it differently. There is no One True Bra Size.

I mean, it’s LA, so there’s potentially paparazzi fucking everywhere. A car crash is a really terrifying and traumatic time, and I can completely understand not wanting to have that broadcast to the world. I’m not aware of him actually being that much of a douche, beyond being bland and lovey dovey with Taylor, so I

I’ll think about that, next time people on this site start debating some d-list reality show has beens from years ago as if everyone should know them and it turns out quite a few people actually do know them. Maybe he just didn’t want pics of his lacerated face being taken by some random strangers and peddled to

I am going to imagine that she approached them in character, using the Claire voice. And then I am going to swoon over that for the rest of my life...

I like her. I’m not sure I’ll watch any of this just because I don’t have time for talk shows but I want her to succeed. Partly because I like her and I think she’s talented, and partly because she’s on Jezebel’s shit list for whatever shady, subjective mean girl reason they decided to hate her and tear her down.

Haha - are you from Lancashire? Didn’t we have a conversation about Skem, my home town? It was on last nightwith Grayson Perry. They picked the grimmest bits too. Oh well.

I’m going to need to see some Taylor Swift subtweeting before I can fully get behind this

Now playing

Nope. Already a star after Risky Business (3 years earlier)

Whenever the name Minnie Driver is mentioned, someone has to say ...

Psh. This movie has two of my favorite things

and I think I’m probably heavier than the girls he’s usually interested in.

I should have married my best friend. My fiance — and soon-to-be ex-husband — always hated him, even though they’d never met. The BFF and I lost touch for a while, and I got married. A year or so later, I got an email from the BFF asking why I didn’t wait for him. Gahhh.

Right? I finally got to the point where I would just lie when people would ask me - with a pained look on their face - “how are you holding up?” I found it was easier to make others comfortable and jut placate them with a “oh, it’s day to day” line of bullshit, rather than answer honestly and tell them that I’ve never

I think honest pieces like this are so necessary, especially around things like Mother’s Day or the death of someone’s mom. When I moved away for college, I never looked back. Well, that’s a lie because I do find myself looking back at how horrible my mom was - especially to me. Now that I’m a parent and do the things

I related to this viscerally. My mother was angriest when she sensed that we (and especially I ) were happy, and then the rage would take over, eclipsing everything else. Our childhood was spent in fear: the toll of which is lifelong.

Get ready to love her more, cause I’ve got a sweet anecdote:

Her first denim line was manufactured in the city I was living in at the time. It was Winnipeg, a do-nothing city in the middle-of-nowhere. My friend was working at the factory producing the jeans and said she came in as they went into production and spent 2

Having been to three 1D concerts, and having paid ridiculous sums to sit in the 2nd or 3rd rows to impress my daughter, I can say that Harry is SUPER HOT. He winked at me and there were many feelings had.

I love absolutely everything about Victoria Beckham.