Helluva Bottom Carter

I hope the best for you, caretaking for a parent is not an easy task for the mind and heart. You’re always welcome to share here, Jezzies offer a good listening and supportive community. Sending positive vibes, be kind to yourself <3

You've done all the right things for her. You got her to hospital, where she needs to be because that is where she will get the care she needs; you had a vital discussion with her doctor; you know she's somewhere where she will be watched closely by people who will know what to do if she has a crisis. Now you need to

Truthfully, this is a mind-bending time, and one when we feel a lot of frustration, sadness, fear, and guilt.

This may be TMI or triggering in your current situation and I haven’t ever really talked about this to... anyone actually, but your comment seemed to draw this response out of me so here goes. Please don’t feel the need for a reply, you’ve got enough on.

Oh god that’s awful. I’m so sorry. Caring for an ailing parent is extremely hard work. Hope everything works out for the best.

Thank you, totally going to chill out with a bath right now. :)

Ask questions- amazing! Thanks!

(your screenname is the best.com)

I’m doing that. I should hear back Monday or Tuesday. I’m not optimistic because: a) The UK job interview process is very different than what I’m used to, and I suspect I didn’t answer questions well because I was flustered; and b) I got to meet the other finalists and two of them came from very prestigious

Screw her neighbors. You’re there for her right now and days like today are what count. The delirium is probably dehydration related so just take it day by day. But you’re a good child, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I’m sorry. Dealing with aging and ill parents is so difficult, and there’s really nothing anyone can say to make it better. Try to take care of yourself in the midst of this, screw the judgy neighbors, and never feel bad for venting on here. Hang in there.

I’m so sorry. Please remember to take care of yourself too.

I’m late. Don’t know if this will get read. But my daughter who doesn’t speak has made a whole ton of friends in the neighbourhood. We did our annual clean up and after she spent two hours with all the neighbourhood kids and she was chatting up a storm! A bunch of us have just decided that our kids will be free range.

That sounds really hard, and whatever you are doing is going to be the right thing. Don’t second-guess yourself, ok?

I'm sorry for what you're going through. Don't worry about being a downer.

You are welcome to post whatever you need to here! I’m so sorry to hear about this, and I think almost anyone would feel overwhelmed in that situation. Sending positive thoughts your way.

I have been a parental caretaker. My advice is to remember that you aren’t a Supreme Being with the power to heal, nor can you live without taking care of yourself, too. You will do your best and make the choices that seem right. Anyone who doesn’t approve can get stuffed!

You’re there for her and making sure that she will be properly cared for. What more can you do? You’re a human being, not a god with endless energy and healing abilities. You need to start preparing yourself, too, for when she is gone.

There is a reason its called “doing it like bunnies.” Ain’t no slut shame in the rabbit game.

I heard Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton are feuding in heaven.