Helluva Bottom Carter

Can’t come soon enough for me. “But I need to hunt to feed my family!” someone will sputter. Fine. Show me your permit, and the Department of Natural Resources will issue a hunting rifle and will recollect it each day along with verifying the day’s hunt. There ya go.

I fully support reinterpreting the 2nd Amendment to apply to the arming of bears.

“very treatable, and once on Valtrex, the vast majority of people with the disease have extremely rare outbreaks or even none at all after contracting it.:

Name one GOP candidate that is likable? You can’t. Yet nobody seems to worry about that.

This photo makes me feel weird.

I’m definitely glad to hear that I’m not crazy for thinking it spans some actual length of time. I’ve never had especially strong feelings about the film one way or another, but it’s one of my partner’s favorite movies. She usually watches it to cheer herself up when she feels awful, so I’ve seen it a few times. And I

I’m a lawyer. Of course I know the legal definition of stalking.

NO, we don’t. Because they are adorable. And those other people are just wrong. <3

stealing that line too! <3 <3

This is my favorite answer

yeah love your screen name. call me!

We still have Maxim, thank god.

Even True Detective Woody Harrelson. So skeezy and gross, but still hot.

I feel your pain, sister. I feel it in my soul.

I always cut / dye my hair after a breakup. It helps me to feel a lot better and to have some change.

If you can afford it, take a weekend away. Stay in a hotel, indulge in food and activities that your ex doesn’t like or made you feel self-conscious about. Did he make fun of your taste in movies? Watch all the movies. Did he complain when you wanted to eat Thai food? Feast on Thai food.

Reversed but my thought exactly. They’d be a cute couple.