
But will it be dark and gritty?

A sophisticated heat beam called a “laser.”

Fox: “And you wanna be my latex salesman.”

I hope this isn’t Superboy Prime.

Clarissa Explains The New Testament?

I don’t think WC4 is impossible as a concept, but as a standalone game? It’s likely not to happen.

Saying, “Just one more game of Star Wars Rebellion.”

Came in to comment on the inclusion of the Xavier Institute. I still have my old CarbonadiumCoils and EatAPlanet RP names from just about 20 years now, and a hanful of FB friends with whom I still regularly communicate.

That’s great and all but where’s Majel Barrett mode? Didn’t she record an entire phonetic library before she passed away?

Superior ability breeds superior ambition.

I made the mistake of knocking on my neighbor’s door at 3 am asking for 3 1/2 tablespoons of cock sauce.

Middle finger. Straight up. At me.

GEORGE: Yeah. I think we really go something here.

JERRY: What do we got?

GEORGE: An idea.

JERRY: What idea?

GEORGE: An idea for the study.

JERRY: I still don’t know what the idea is.

GEORGE: It’s about nothing.

JERRY: Right.

GEORGE: Everybody’s doing something, we’ll do nothing.

JERRY: So, we go before the grant writers, we

He wants to be Canada to all those “theoretical dollars”

It’s actually an Omega SANCTION wristwatch.

I had always hoped it would be Aenys.

I need to find my Spider-Man 2 disc for XBox, I miss grabbing someone, swinging up to the very tippy top of the Empire State Building, and then just flinging them off.

That’s Egghead.