Pretty sure football players are held to different standards.
Pretty sure football players are held to different standards.
Nope. The football team that represents my school is... far less successful, let’s say.
Michael Irvin Jr. at The U, suspended? Something tells me it has to do with skiing powder.
Aren’t standards and expectations pretty much the same thing? Aren’t you expected to meet standards? If you fail to meet standards, your are failing to live up to expectations. I guess you could say you could live up to standards and fail to meet expectations if your were expecting to more than meet the standards.…
Between this and your Minnesota rape case takes, well, fuck you.
So much effort for such a small payoff.
Yawn. Shut up. Go make some noise about gay pride or something. You’re not clever. You never were.
a workshop promising a room full of Cleveland Browns players
Where have I seen that font before?
While watching a Dodgers game on tv, the announcer gave an update on the players who are on the DL (disabled list). My wife asked why so many players were on the down-low.
Goddamn, you’re just the queen of tone policing tonight.
Choke to death on your sanctimony.
“He also praised anti-rape activist Brenda Tracy, who spoke to the team, saying, “She was awesome. She touched a lot of people on our team.””
Come on. Not this one. Not now.
The cycle of tearing public figures down and redemption continues. This is years after it happened.
Well, he didn’t knock the everloving dog-shit out of the meter maid as far as we know, so there’s progress. Either way, how will I know how I’m supposed to feel about it until the video comes out?
Preeettty sure that’s not how Aleppo happened. See: Russia and America Meddling in the Middle East, 101 - infinity. The “rebels” who just lost Aleppo are former Al Qaeda members who are fighting agains ISIS, which is a terror group that grew in the vacuum we left in Iraq/Afghanistan. Very little of the current civil…
So when 90% of Americans want background checks and congress refuses to do it, the people are just being stupid or the idea that our politicians represent us is a joke?
Well, cosmically, Lucy is the 2016 of Peanuts characters, according to Wiki:
I forget. That’s why I subscribe. To be reminded. Then I’m not anymore. And I forget. Until I see it again. And subscribe. To be reminded. But then..