
Of course, but as MOMMA said, they use the term "operating." You are not driving the vehicle, but you are operating it. Damn you, semantics!

My God. If he was doing that I am sure NASCAR would have a shit fit. That being said, those flames were glorious. I'm just glad no one was hurt.

Your logic confuses me then. What if the vehicle is parked with the engine shut off and you are behind the wheel? Are you driving it then? :)

No. You are stopped at a red light. You are driving once you remove your foot off of the brake, place your foot on the accelerator and start moving again.

Apostrophes are used when indicating possession or the omission of a letter or letters from a word. This is your grammar lesson for the day.

driving [ˈdraɪvɪŋ]

Mainly knives and other pointy objects. Range is your friend once you identify a potential perp.


Although this guy obviously has some poor decision-making abilities, I love my firearm. (Springfield XDM 9mm) I would recommend venturing to a firing range and having some fun before rushing to judgment. You can do fun things like this. (pic)

All I did was press the number four on my keyboard multiple times during the video for maximum effect. It made me giggle.

In my opinion, he could have done much worse.

If you honestly spent $4,000 on a plasma for your main television I hope you got the bee's knees of televisions.

Now playing

Hey Jesus, I see your video and raise you this:

Now playing

If the media is reporting it, it must be true.

I disagree with the Beats by Dre portion of this article. For $199.99 USD, yes they are overpriced. However, my Solos are fantastic and were only $99.99 USD brand new at my Military Base Exchange. Best headphones I have ever owned.

I think I have seen this before...

I drive a unique type of vehicle.

Not necessarily deal-breakers, but you would hope things would work as advertised. How would you feel if you purchased a brand new vehicle, only to find out the heater works, but not the air conditioning? The vehicle manufacturer also claims it is electric and gets 50 miles to a gallon but in all reality, it runs on

"So most of these policies are rules that apply in case an airman gets zapped, and ways to ensure we don't accidentally fry an ally."