
This country is so completely screwed. Absolutely hopeless.

And all with the goal of being able to kill as many people as possible. Just like the Cybertruck!

Tesla is the single shadiest, scammiest company to exist in this country since Trump Steaks, Trump Vodia, and Trump University.

If this kind of thing was going against Trump, imagine how loudly he’d scream that this activity was “ELECTION INTERFERENCE!” He says it about anything and everything else that happens, after all. Harris gives an interview? “Election interference!” His dirtbag supporters are jailed for committing actual verified

Our system is simply not equipped or nimble enough to enforce the law against those determined to twist and adapt themselves quickly or that simply have the resources to blatantly violate the law and never be held accountable.

Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.

Maybe some engineer realized it, but most of the Tesla employees left barely even have object permanence, and Elon immediately fired the one engineer who pointed out the issue.

1st gear: It’s just too bad that pretty much all of the investors and board are enamored with his bullshit and determined to prop up the emperor with no clothes, die-hard yes men to the end. And nothing and no one else has any way to influence his grifting - his ill-gotten wealth is an impervious shield.

Don’t forget Netanyahu. Real axis of evil there.

The two are indivisible and indistinguishable at this point anyway.

Remember that if you buy a Tesla, this is where your money is going. Some fascist lunatics may like that idea, but don’t delude yourself into thinking that’s not what buying a Tesla means.

Sheetz has good variety, but the problem is that everything there is microwaved. I default to Wawa.

I was happier when I read only the first four words of this headline.

He would never be capable of admitting, even to himself, that his stupid ideas don’t work.

We learned that lesson eight years ago. Americans really REALLY hate women.

A Republican Congress would absolutely do anything and everything Elon demands to lower restrictions to allow Elon’s half-baked cars drive themselves right over any American who dares to walk the streets.

This is absolutely Elon manipulating him into bankrupting the auto industry by playing on his desire to sound tough and his blind hate of anything and everything Mexican.

what, they don’t test one or two out before trying to buy a fleet?

Could they really not come up with a better acronym than STI? For real?

Bingo. No matter how the election turns out (but especially if Trump wins), these two delusional self-obsessed drama queens are going to end up constantly squabbling and trying to undercut the other, knifing each other in the back and then making nice to each other’s faces while the entire country collapses into ruins