
The premiums would be insane because Tesla itself knows what an utter piece of junk it has made.

Fellow Virginian here - I’m already disturbed that I’ve seen a few of these monstrosities on our roads in the last few weeks.

Of course not, why would any company insure one of these combustible dysfunctional death traps?

It’s all a pump and dump scheme. Tesla is a meme stock - the emperor has no clothes.

Imagine doing this instead of just not shooting innocent people.

So that’s five in a year - Elon has five going with three months left in this year. At this pace, he can do it!

Maybe not even a marionette, maybe he’ll go back to the guy-dressed-as-a-robot that they unveiled initially to the rubes.

Somehow I see more of these monstrosities every week where I live and yet I just laugh and laugh at every piece of news about how broken they are and shake my head about how many deeply gullible people there are to buy them.

Cut to: A shoddy “unveiling” of something that doesn’t come close to meeting his lofty promises and propped up by gimmicks and then incessant bullying of anyone who dares to point out that this twisted emperor has no clothes.

Probably not by much, but at least the bros will have some vague instinct toward self-preservation.

In other words, massive combustible unstable tanks are about to start careening through the streets with reckless abandon beyond control.

Hummer H2 (and the others really). Enough said.

I’ve seen a handful lately in northern Virginia and it’s galling every single time. Too many people with more money than common sense.

I wonder how they’ll factor in limb loss and the various slices and smashings one gets from regular use.

Deep BNL cuts? Sir, you are speaking my language! Well played.

No love for the 1976 Gran Torino in the Barenaked Ladies’ “One Week” video? Know they’re a bunch of goofy Canadian dads and not the coolest guys, but there’s a classic hood slide in that video.

Bingo, he’s going to order another “employee audit” and fire everyone who doesn’t pledge fealty to his perverse politics.

I often wonder between norovirus and the many many other mishaps one hears about cruises (along with the management of said cruises), why anyone would ever choose to take one at all, let alone jettison your whole life for one.

And here I was assuming it was a Civic Si with an after-market spoiler or maybe an IROC if you were really feeling yourself.

Spoken like someone whose kids hate him almost as much as Elon’s do. Those cars and simping for Elon won’t fill the gaping empty hole in your lonely life, bro.