Cult members.
Cult members.
I’d much rather own shares in GameStop than Tesla - much more stable.
Show us the trunk! Show us the trunk!
It’s amazing how his constant transparent lies and endlessly pushing back the timeline for every impractical thing he promises is just over the horizon never seems to crater the stock price in the way it deserves to. They’re totally disconnected.
It’s too late, the shareholders and board made their choice. Let the company collapse.
Tesla shareholders are getting exactly what they deserve for giving that fascist madman a $56 billion payday.
As always, the cruelty is the point.
Florida is grateful that Texas somehow manages to make them look normal.
The conservative government that most Texans have voted for over and over and over again.
We should have done this decades ago.
Because Texas.
Most Texans like it that way, they’re more attached to their delusions than to having a livable state.
The Texas ethos in a nutshell.
I just assumed all water in Alabama was laced with fentanyl right out of the tap, that would explain how most people behave down there.
Particularly and specifically Texans are not better than this.
Except because of our poisonous politics and the blockades within the system (e.g. the filibuster) that prevent any actual laws of substance from being passed, absolutely nothing will happen. At least the administrative state was able to adjust things under Chevron. Now nothing will ever be allowed to change unless…
Gullible, the word is gullible.
His belief in his own moral purity is so nauseating.
You nailed it. The right knows that there won’t be a civil war because the two sides aren’t equally violent (or equally armed): They know that most people will simply submit and take what forms of normality they can get and that the fascists will rule with an increasingly tight iron fist. Because no one bothered to…
Exactly - Stewart and his ilk just want to feel benevolent even though they’re the suckers and are doing active harm to their audience.