
Any company owned by Elon Musk isn’t interested in saving anything: It only wants to destroy and then build a replacement for a massive payment.

The same thing could be said of their cult leader/presidential candidate.

Thanks for tracking this down.

They wouldn’t just spit on you/us: They would gleefully kill you/us in cold blood.

How do we know that this is legit for him and not someone trying to scam?

1st Gear: Just further proof that Americans are the dumbest fucking people on the face of the planet.


How dare he throw his friend to the wolves just to keep making shitty movies. He didn’t have to handle it this way - he could have simply said he didn’t support what Gass said and that he considered it a mistake without completely throwing him under the bus.

Not MAGA fans maybe, but he’s going way out of his way to try to be above and look more pure than Gass, selling out his decades-long friend in the process.

You don’t have to do it unsafely - just pull it down, take it with you, and burn it in a bucket away from any possible tinder.

Yeah but cops are all white supremacists, especially in the fucking south.

What the everloving fuck is wrong with the Stewart and the show that they thought this was a good idea?

He would have been right to burn the thing too. We should burn that symbol of hate and oppression every single time it is exhibited.

This thing is literally built in every conceivable way to maim and kill with maximum damage.

Black is selfishly trying to protect his Hollywood rep and his income.

We live in the stupidest country in the absolute dumbest time in history. The Dark Ages look enlightened next to us. We deserve all the terrible things that are about to happen.

No facebeard, all neckbeard.

It’s going to be so awful when Trump’s regime mandates that these are the only cars allowed to be driven in America and forces every single American to buy one (and to pay his buddy Elon a premium for them).

It’s strange to me that no one ever mentions that they literally killed a MILLION Americans who didn’t need to die during Covid simply because he couldn’t be bothered to acknowledge it existed.

It’s the continuing ratcheting down - it’s always in only one direction: Things can only get stupider and worse, never smarter and better. America!