
Another old white MAGA hat rides off into the wilderness with a fortune despite having few actual skills. Truly the American story.

Yes, we should be informed if someone we’re reading about is abhorrent and odious.

The French shouldn’t give a foreign army, even a friendly one, a pass on procedure simply because their populace was stupid.

Ha, stupid Brexit tricks.

If they can be seen from space, that means we can nuke them from space.

Nothing has ever been that large.

It’s all because of the herb.

This is just one of ten million examples of the amazing complexity of duties the government performs that get no glory, no PR, no credit but are really important. And yet we have people that want to eliminate the government, it’s boggling.

Dammit take your star.

Oh good, Elon officially has his own Trump Vodka now.

Because there’s a sucker born every minute and the cult members literally buy all this slop.

It’s kind of like how cops and their families widely support him because he says the words “LAW AND ORDER” a lot even though he openly attacks any and all cops (including the FBI) who enforce the law when he breaks it.

They were pretty clear that Infinity War and Endgame were all one thing split into two parts. Isn’t “Secret Wars” supposed to be Avengers 5 and who knows what Avengers 4 will be now that there’s no Kang?

Shouldn’t they maybe figure out what Avengers 4 is before leaping headlong into Avengers 5?

Don’t forget:

9. There’s a new Black Panther! But everyone knows it’s a sad substitute for the guy we were building things around and also the actress is completely nuts.
10. Thor has a daughter! But that movie sucked too.
11. Star-Lord is still kind of around! But without all his friends that were the best parts.

Maybe he can live in that janky-ass Cybertruck “tent” thing Tesla keeps hyping on this piece of junk. This guy had a long time to learn about what Tesla and particularly the CT were and still went for it, so no sympathy now that the leopards are eating his face.

The UK is a pretty laughable country at this point, but even they have the decency not to indulge these narcissistic lunatics (unlike the US, which grants them endless license).

Clickbait headline is clickbait.

I’m counting at least two grammatical errors/misspellings in that last two-sentence graf. Come on Jalopnik, I know herbs are gonna herb and this may be AI, but either hire copy editors or give it up.

In other words, yes they are. Cops always lie.