
Jesus Christ. I saw a couple of these (non-gold version) in the last few days in the DC area for the first time and I was shocked to actually see them in the flesh (ugly rough metal) and that they had temporary plates on them meaning there was no excuse, they got purchased long after the rest of us recognized that

Some shareholders are smart enough to see that the bottom is about to drop out due to his madness (some part of him may recognize it too which is why he’s trying to get his payday before it does, even if another part of him refuses to acknowledge that he and his stupid companies are anything less than immortal and

This is absolutely perfect.

Shouldn’t they have already dried up considering that he’s a known chronic drug user? How does he keep getting a pass for that? (I know, different rules for the rich and the government put itself in a position where it’s stupidly dependent on SpaceX, but this is just insane).

He’s also failing all of them by being stark raving insane, but that’s a different matter.

A servile one.

These companies are run as if an unstable drug addict was in charge of them (maybe because they are).

Just wait until he starts interfering more with SpaceX and tapping that cash cow to try to help ailing Tesla. And as taxpayers, we’ll all be paying for it.

Which is the entire point of his efforts to move the whole company to Texas where there are no laws.

The Cybertruck is innovative in one way and one way only: The number of ways Tesla can newly discover to kill its own customers.

We got a Hyundai EV for exactly this reason.

1st gear: This situation is the one time when his PR tactic of having any query addressed to one of his companies being an auto-reply of a shit emoji would actually be appropriate.

Exactly this: The Cybertruck is a piece of shit compared to any and all actual trucks. Thanks for a little credit, I’ll be over here at the bottom of the pile-on.

I think we all know that tires can’t make that much of a difference. In this case we’re comparing an actual truck to a cobbled-together pile of loose metal held together with Elmer’s glue.

While driving over the weekend I found myself in front of a Cybertruck for the first time and on a windy two lane road where I couldn’t move aside or easily speed up, but I’ll be honest, it’s the most scared I’ve ever been driving because I didn’t know what the driver (or the car itself independent of the driver) was

Because cops are almost universally MAGA chuds too.

The meth lab RV would certainly smell better than this thing.

People like this are beyond hope - they’re willful eager cult members consciously deciding to make that madman their entire lifestyle and actively working to make vulnerable people’s lives worse. I wish nothing but ill for them.

Elon has the same perception that the rest of the ultra-wealthy do: The law simply doesn’t apply to them. And usually they’re right, so of course he’d have no hesitation about insider trading among his many other shady dealings.

How about this as a crossover no one asked for with “There Will Be Blood?”