Helloooooo Nurse!

I like the cut of your jib. You explained what I was thinking with great clarity.

Not new - that's exactly why I'm tired of them. There's only so many times you can hear the same argument before just agreeing that they were both very important. Why can't we all just get along about our comic creators and just leave it at fuck Bob Kane?

How about we just give them both a lot of credit and not have to have it be a pissing match to see which one had the biggest Marvel ding dong?

I could not disagree more. I hate that Chris Cornell song. And Dalton pulls off the nastiness and suaveness of Bond better than Craig.

That is pretty gross.

Well, the whole thing moves at a snail's pace - it is on #180 and there's been, what, 2 plot lines? We are talking about something that has been getting put out for over 2 years that can be read in it's entirety in about an hour.

You don't like green lanterns as cub scouts going camping?

As someone else already mentioned, the title card comes up with the sound of children's laughter right at the end of this scene. That's all the resolution I needed.

I agree with you 100%. The children's laughter told me everything I needed to know.

I don't know what you're seeing. The scooter is lane splitting slowly and carefully. The biker think he can wedge in the gapcause he doesn't want to slow down.

Let the world know his brother is Kirk from Gilmore Girls!

"Fast pasta" is an amusing phrase to show some differences in American vs English pronunciations.

By the time I got 15 minutes in I had seen enough closeups for doorknobs turning and levers moving that I just gave up. I don't need a 3 second CGI clip of that just because someone is walking to a different room.

Someone made a mistake and has tried to learn from it. OFF WITH THEIR HEAD!

The English clearly aren't just in the hat game with their hair accessories. I bet they even have some fancy word like milliner for hairpin-makers.

Cho Chang's pins driving the boys mad!

Blades never need reloading.