
I was harassed off-campus by one who wasn’t even my professor, just one I knew through a friend. I ran into him at a coffee shop, where he took my saying hello (as you do, when you run into someone you know) as an invitation to sit at my table, stare at my chest and tell me his thoughts on what he imagined my boobs

Not to mention faculty-faculty harassment. I’m the single female in a department of 9, and am simply saving up and documenting all of the complete inappropriateness until I have enough to go to the administration.

“incapacitated due to alcohol and therefore could not consent,”

Women-focused website makes a joke about one shark eating another? MISANDRY! OPPRESSION! CATS AND DOGS LIVING TOGETHER!

I'm working on the problem. Give me more time.

Not everyone is naturally a perfect hammerhead shape.

A woman needs a man like a fish needs another fish on a bike to keep bumping into it

Teach me your ways. I’ll bring the wine.


The neighbors are complaining about the screaming.

Clearly, the original intent of the founders was the right for sharks to bear arms. Or for sharks to have bear arms? I don’t know; I’m not a Constitutional scholar.

You know, it's really hard just being a shark without all these unrealistic expectations weighing down on me because of how sharks are portrayed in the media. Sometimes I can't deal. Hence, why I ate this dick who couldn't watch where he was swimming.

As long as she’s not throwing up to maintain her girlish shark figure.

Clearly it was shark week and she just wasn’t having it.

Post-wine texted this to the ex-husband who keeps contacting me


Because it’s not Indian culture... it’s white people play-acting.

If you want kids interested in Indian culture, why not get an actual Indian to share it with them, instead of white people (who have a fucking terrible history of oppressing us) who only want to basterdize it and present cliched aspects?

This is appropriation.