
Or even better, “Why are YOU here then?” because once you have landed a man you have no reason to leave the house to do anything ever.

I was talking to a friend’s (quite young) male cousin once, and he told me he’d asked out a girl at his gym (groan) and was bummed because now she was being “all awkward about it.”

I once told a guy at a bar that I was married and he got fully offended that I was out without my husband, and took that to mean that my husband either a) didn’t know where I was because I didn’t tell him (for a reason), or b) didn’t care where I was, because he didn’t really care about me, which led to c) I must not

Jesus Christ. Yeah, sure, random stranger who has just listened in on my conversation, I can totally tell you care about me, my safety, and my final destination, unless my final destination is, in fact, in your pants.

Thank you for that MUCH needed levity. I am cracking up at my desk picturing men legit trying to barter with me at a bar. Suede sacks of coin are involved.

The whole “I’m married” or “I have a boyfriend” thing feels icky to me. It’s certainly safer than “ew, no thanks”, but it shouldn’t be necessary. I’m married, but I could still choose to dance with someone else. Or maybe I’m not married, and I’m still not obligated to dance with somebody I don’t want to dance with.

You sound just as rapey and violent as he does.

Actually, that doesn’t even work half the time. I’m married and clearly wear my ring everywhere. I’ve frequently gotten the “what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him line.” I was at a bar once with some single friends and a guy started chatting with me while his friends hit on my ladies. It was all innocent enough (“man

“Why can’t women just be direct if they don’t wanna go out with someone? Always playing hard to get or leading men on!” Um, it’s because when we say no you kill us. And if it’s not that extreme, you may cause some other physical harm to us. Or shout at us. Or make us feel generally unsafe for having said no. And the

I’m married and don’t have any rings because I don’t like the feel of them. I get accused of lying too or being obviously DTF because I’ve taken my non-existent rings off

I once had a (male) friend suggest I tell guys I have a boyfriend if they’re harassing me at the bar. It made me so mad... I just want them to leave me alone, not have to make something up. I’m a horrible liar, so I know trying that wouldn’t help, not that the “I’m not interested” or “I don’t date” get me anywhere

The last time I used the “I have a boyfriend” line was when I got a flat tire on my way to an out-of-town wedding. I was at the tire place and this guy (another customer) had heard the whole exchange and knew that I was alone with no transportation in a strange town. After a few minutes of awkward small talk where I

She didn’t just invite a strange man home. She was on a date and needed to stop by her place to get something. Like a normal human being should be able to.

Stories like this are what make me so mad when my father complains that “you can’t even compliment a woman now without her crying sexual harassment.”

Oh god that’s so creepy. You (we) shouldn’t have to be afraid of letting someone know where you live. A few years ago I had a situation where a service guy came to my house for a repair, left me with his number (he seemed nice and we had been talking while he worked), and then instead of waiting for me to contact him

Ugh, yes, let’s talk about how it’s YOUR mistake. Jeez, women can never win!

Yeah i went out with someone once, they seemed friendly, cool, etc. At one point we had to stop by my place to grab a bus pass.

Danny Glover has a stand up bit where he asks why women don’t have the crazy ex stories that men do. Then he says it is because the women are dead. In the version of his act that I heard, the audience groaned, and he responded with "What? Too real?"

“Why do we still need feminism? Can’t women already vote/drive/work/go to school/run for office/own property, etc?”

Because this still happens.

choosing this career path involves the cultivation of a chitinous exoskeleton, involuntary or not