I mean you’re free to handle/store your rice however you want. I know a few people who’ve been taken down by Bacillus cereus and it sucked.
I mean you’re free to handle/store your rice however you want. I know a few people who’ve been taken down by Bacillus cereus and it sucked.
That is...very surprising to me. I thought sushi rice wasn’t sushi rice without the vinegar.
To most Americans, sushi is either the raw fish, or the raw fish on rice. They don’t know that sushi is rice marinated in vinegar.
Sushi rice, he noted, shouldn’t be a problem as vinegar is added to lower the pH, allowing it to be held safely at room temperature.
He’ll be about 50 by the time that happens and aged past this leading man lust he now has.
For best supporting actor.
Not to mention that the sugar in the juice causes bloating. Lean protein like turkey is obv the smarter choice, and Dr. Luke is obviously a fucking idiot (among other things)
Not to mention - JUICE ISN’T low in calories. It’s fruit sugar (fructose) and you’re healthier EATING THE DAMN FRUIT. Fiber and all.
No, he’s the real thing. He’ll be around working steadily, until he drops dead.
In his defense, he got the Gucci campaign, which is far cooler right now than Armani.
I was never attractive to him in a physical way, but found him hilarious and witty and highly affable. But after TSwift? Yeah, he’s damaged goods.
Hollywood is a ROUGH ASS PLACE, especially if you are sensitive to critique. I feel like Hiddleston would’ve have been better served being a college professor at Cambridge or Oxford who dabbled in theater. Or he should have just stuck to being a huge star in the UK who makes a few US movies every so often to fund his…
I am not a fan of her music, but her prusuit of this fight has made me a fan of her as a person. Fuck this dude! Turkey and a diet coke is too calorie rich? That is just fucking absurd.
This fuckwad needs his career over, and this needs to happen years ago.
Oh man I had a wild diet coke and turkey binge the other night! I’m like several grams heavier now.
This. The Swift Loveboat debacle killed nearly all my love and his well-meaning-but-sooooooo-bad Golden Globe acceptance speech delivered the coup de gras. I will still watch him in movies, but my ladyboner for him is well and truly dead.
Its true, there are some categories of workers for whom striking is not feasible in the traditional sense. But you can still symbolically strike by refusing to participate in the economy - don’t buy gas or groceries, don’t go out to the movies - or participate in unpaid women’s work - do not cook meals. You could also…
If the purpose of the day is to show the impact of women in the workforce, I still think staying home (even if it means your kid stays home too) is worth it. Not that you need to be reminded, but if a school day is disrupted it proves the entire point-- You (the general you) depend on women to do their jobs so you can…
No one knows what it’s like
To be the bad man,
To be the sad man,
Behind blue eyes.
And no one knows
What it’s like to be hated,
To be fated to telling only lies.