Hello, America: Never Fuck a Republican

Haha I mean you’re hardly the worst. :)

I truly worry about this. The HBO Series that was created after some people infiltrated my nightmares and made a show about them, Years and Years, touches on this when ::minor spoiler::

I mean....murder though.

I’m on your side - I was mimicking the people who make comments like that. :)

Because there is no god.

To be fair it’s not like he knew how to run a business.

I fear it too. Hoping for the best, preparing to be disappointed.

Yeah, if you are ever hurt by a narcissist, they think that if they just explain at you harder why they just had to do the thing, you’ll agree with them. 

He’s freaking out. Is it because he feels walls closing in on him? Maybe. Is it because his authority and ability to do whatever the fuck he wants is being questioned? More likely.

Normally I avoid all video footage of him but it seems like this one stands out...

If I were a potential witness or whistleblower, I would be legitimately scared shitless about coming forward right now. Somehow Schiff and gang has to prove they will protect these people.

That’s a damn shame.

Ha yeah, during said unemployment time I briefly had a job that was nanny/graphic design assistant. She paid more than minimum wage but it was way too much for what she was paying so I was out as soon as I found something else. 

Yeah this is a huge issue. I remember in the throes of the Recession I was applying to service industry jobs requiring a college degree and office assistant sort of jobs asking for a master’s - all of course paying minimum wage. 

The kinja god works in mysterious ways. 

Anyone anywhere who voted in a guy who said the things Trump said during the campaign has to answer for that, no matter what their reasons. Voting for a black guy once or twice doesn’t even come close to erasing that. I suppose you think anyone who has a black friend can't be racist too, huh? 

Oh right - I just mean they'll compel Pence to pick who they want in exchange for pardons or a position on the board of someone's company or something. 

I remember an old boss of mine acting like the mere act of paying us was due to her generosity and compassion, as opposed to it being money we earned. 

I’m not sure if you didn't catch that I was parodying common comments on this, but regardless you are way off about that. 

One of the authors has to do it...it seems some people just ask (I see it most often on the weekends on David Boddiger articles). I’m pretty sure that's how I got it haha. Supposedly you have to have a long comment history of leaving thoughtful comments but I can't imagine they are really curating that much...