Hello, America: Never Fuck a Republican

Yeah I think some of it is people not being able to visualize what a billion dollars means, and how far they are from every having it. I read this somewhere and it really brings it into perspective: a million seconds is 11 days, a billion seconds is 31 years. 

I mean yes a degree isn’t a marker of worth, but when it’s required for a job, it should be paid for. 

I think it is so surprising because we all think there is a line that everyone knows is ridiculous to cross, and he just...doesn't have that ability to know the difference...

Yeah at first I wanted them to draw it out but I'm seeing the advantages in them not being able to get ahead of this and taking advantage of the panicking staffers. 

Well that would require the Republicans to actively remove themknowing they’d get a President Pelosi. If they really want them both out, they'll do Trump, and handpick a VP for Pence before they do him. 

We’ll see if anyone suffers a consequence, but they all had to know this moment would come. They knew he was reckless and doing illegal this and having people participate in those things. Not only that, but he brazenly confesses to all his crimes.

“You’re over qualified” = “you’re going to grow unhappy when you never get a raise and we’re not going to give you one.”

Not going to blame the victim of our shit economy where wages have been depressed for decades. Know your enemies. 

I have a master’s degree and make $30k at my job with no benefits and you don’t see me complaining like these spoiled brats! Just get two more jobs like the rest of us! 

Yes that's it!

I mean Democrat is a pejorative to any conservative though?

I mean localities tax property to fund their schools, and they just assess it every so often. That's not different in concept, though it is very different in scope and what enforcement would take. 

I just thought it was because it tastes 5x as good. 

Yeah I imagine they have been sucked into a video game-like trance watching the numbers go up and that's it. 

They not only have looted the planet to kill it, they have made profits off public lands for decades with none of that benefit (except wages) flowing back to the people. Fuck them. 

And he just cut benefits for Whole Foods employees!


It’s also chrome and safari on iPhone, at least!

Warm delicious body!

I mean I don't want to give racism enablers a pass, BUT if there is a way to convince them their problems are billionaires and not brown people, great. It is impressive how oblivious these assholes seem to be to the optics though. You're right!