Hello, America: Never Fuck a Republican

I haven’t seen anyone reputable suggest a wealth tax is unconstitutional (much the opposite!). What language are you referring to?

Can’t get into #sweaterweather, what can I say?


What kills me is there are so many people who identify with the BILLIONAIRES in the billionaires vs. everyone else scenario. They envision the government coming in and taking whatever huge percentage on their $50k/year salary and are suddenly like, OH NO PROTECT THE BILLIONAIRES! What is the quote, they are all

Yeah he’s certainly the corrupt idiot he always appeared to be - he’s not a manipulator, he’s a bully. He just bludgeons people with demands and they do whatever they can do survive his orbit. He was popular because, what’s the quote, he’s a stupid person’s idea of what a rich person is? 

I’d be shocked if he knew literally anything about construction. I mean, this motherfucker doesn’t even have a concept of the logistics involved to get this fucking wall built. Just to design it! Like literally no concept of how you create a built project.


Nope that’s Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy.

If I could skip forward several years and know that Trumpism ultimately fails, I would take a lot of comfort and pleasure in the havoc he hath wrought on the Republicans.

I think it’s possible some of these people are indeed narcissists, and they think they’re using Trump for personal gain.

Yep. They are doing this with a similar Louisiana law too. That our fucking Democrat governor signed.

So what you’re saying is someone just has to abuse Rudy enough that he flips on Trump? Out-abuse Trump?

I was like, OMG this makes so much more sense than it did before - Rudy is in an abusive relationship with Trump. Granted, I think everyone is, but it really explains him.

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait.

It’s incredible I can still be shocked. But moat full of alligators shocked me.

Yeah there is just not any change throughout the day and night. It makes it pretty relentless. Although I have grown to love and appreciate the humidity - my skin, hair, and lips all thrive in it!

Oof! I have a stick of stuff by Gold Bond (looks like deodorant) that works great to prevent that kind of stuff. 

My friend’s husband was like “I didn’t even think about boob sweat!” a while back in conversation, and I thought, man, my friend must have some magic secrets for her husband not to be privy to this.

Ugh, the real horror is socks. I have about a month of sock-wearing every year and it SUCKKKKKS.

I mean, I only consider this a “long game” if they knew ahead of time this was going to happen. They didn’t plan for Ukraine, and if the did....they are complicit.