
That’s the one I always find baffling. I don’t think it’s impossible to be friends, or at least friendly, with an ex. But you can’t dump someone and expect to immediately transfer to this close friendship. What kind of loony tunes do you have to be to think so?

I did it and am now married to the person I did that with but I acknowledge that this is a freak situation and it almost universally means “this relationship is fucked but I don’t want to have to be the bad guy”.

my ex and i broke up a few weeks ago and she’s still the only person i text on a daily basis.

“When Harry Met Sally” fooled me into sticking around far too long, waiting for him to have an epiphany that never came.

This might be the first time I’ve ever related to Kim. Everyone I know loved pregnancy and felt fantastic and glowed, but I was bloated and puffy and in pain and vomited for 8 months.

You shut your mouth.

Under Bush, the U.S. took in over a hundred thousand Iraqi refugees (I’d say it was out of guilt for wrecking Iraq for no reason but I don’t think Bush or President Cheney have a conscience so I don’t know what happened.) Under Obama, whom I generally love and see as a transformative President, we’ve taken in less

Trump probably thinks that poor little dead boy that washed up on the shore deserved it because he couldn’t swim well. :(

The vast majority of parents aren’t abusing their children, though, and just want help navigating the crazy world that is letting your child have access to anything and everything (and it to them). Nor does it change the very real threat that I described, even if you happen to think it's no biggie.

Not having kids, so no, not worried about it.

I hope you’re never burdened with a child who for whatever reason is sucked into the clutches of a pedophile on the internet because they were too trusting.

So because bad parents exist (in droves even) good parents shouldn’t be given resources? What a poor way to argue.

I’m in the same category: I don’t see this as a problem, and indeed, it’s a unique solution that I feel much safer with than 3rd party software.

As a prosecutor who sees loads of very young girls getting duped by gross old men into sending naked pictures, which will haunt them for their lives, over and over again, I don’t get this being up in arms thing. Maybe you don’t choose to use it, and that’s fine. But having a feature available isn’t necessarily a bad

Now playing

This may not be the best to watch in the office or in public:

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m gonna go ahead and come out with it: I actually kind of love Kim Kardashian.

I find it very... weird how eager her parents are to do interviews and stuff

I found out my ex was engaged when he dropped me an insistent FB message asking for my mailing address so he could send a wedding invitation.